City Scar
* 德國‧戲劇‧90分
* Germany‧Drama‧90’
* 導演 Director│Roland Suso Richter
* 製作人 Producer│Nico Hofmann & Sascha Schwingel
* 高雄 Kaohsiung│11/7(五) 14:50
* 台北 Taipei│12/5(五) 14:50
Anna, a young nurse who has engaged, is fighting to save wounded soldiers in Dresden. One day, she finds Robert, a British soldier, hiding in the hospital. She risks her life to save Robert during the British attack on Dresden since she has fallen in love with him. This moving, authentic drama incorporates both the English and German perspectives on the Allied destruction of the city.
影評人 藍祖蔚
Think Before You Speak
A Lesson in Discrimination
* 加拿大‧紀錄片‧45分
* Canada‧Documentary‧45’
* 導演 Director│Lucie Payeur
* 製作人 Producer│Lucie Payeur
* 高雄 Kaohsiung│11/7(五) 19:00 ◎戶外場│Outdoor screening
* 台北 Taipei│12/5(五) 19:00
◎導演出席高雄場映後座談│Q&A with filmmaker in Kaohsiung
「歧視」是人類無法改變的人性?還是人類生存的必需?加拿大的一名小學老師,在課堂上對她的學生進行一個關於歧視的實驗,希望能讓小朋友們體會尊重與平等的真諦,但結果卻讓人大感意外! 本片於2007年獲得日本賞首獎,並被評審喻為近年來最具影響力的影像教材。
Humans have tended to form clans to exclude anyone who is different. It may not be exactly encouraged, but such attitudes become entrenched at a very early age. An experiment in a Canadian primary school shows how quickly our young people can assimilate discrimination and all its dangerous repercussions.
節目主持人 蔡康永
Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes
* 美國‧紀錄片‧60分
* USA‧Documentary‧60’
* 導演 Director│Byron Hurt
* 製作人Producer│Byron Hurt
* 高雄 Kaohsiung│11/7(五) 19:00 ◎戶外場│Outdoor screening
* 台北 Taipei│12/5(五) 19:00
你是否也曾質疑當今的嘻哈音樂,不論是歌詞或是影像的呈現,都若有似無地充斥著暴力及情色的語言。本片藉由訪問”肥仔喬“及”人民公敵主唱查古皮爾斯“等美國著名嘻哈天團及饒舌歌手, 一步步解構當代嘻哈文化,還原它的真實面目。
This documentary examines representations of gender roles in hip-hop and rap music through the lens of filmmaker Byron Hurt, a former college quarterback turned activist. Conceived as a “loving critique” from a self-proclaimed “hip-hop head,” Hurt examines issues of masculinity, sexism, violence and homophobia in today’s hip-hop culture.
Fiction as Reality
Let’s Make a Baby
* 英國‧紀錄片‧57分
* UK‧Documentary‧57’
* 導演 Director│Helen Sage
* 製作人 Producer│Helen Sage
* 高雄 Kaohsiung│11/8(六) 14:00
* 台北 Taipei│12/6(六) 14:00
「13位陌生男女‧哪一對在3周之內最先懷孕‧即可各獲得 10萬英鎊」英國史上最大膽的做愛實境秀,企圖挑戰觀眾、演員及投資者的道德界線,而令人吃驚的是,大家的底線可能比你我所想像的還要寬鬆。
Let’s Make a Baby is an idea of how far reality TV makers and contestants would be prepared to go. A preposterous, fake but almost believable idea was hatched and then presented, promoted and pitched to the world’s TV organizations. Would anyone actually believe it was real? And worse, would anyone want to buy it and take part in it?
資深製作人 王偉忠
一個喜劇演員想挑戰電視真人秀的最大尺度,所以發想了一個“Let's Make a Baby”的懷孕秀,想看看不相識的男女們,是否願意從陌生到生子的過程被記錄下來,這個IDEA後來幾乎成真,把製作人給嚇了一跳,當場剎車停止。有趣的是這個過程也就是一場真人秀,十分荒謬有趣。不過這倒給了我一個點子,那就是把做節目從發想到完成的全紀錄,放在電視節目第一集播出,也挺棒的!
Bye Bye Belgium
* 比利時‧戲劇‧95分
* Belgium‧Drama‧95’
* 導演 Director│Philippe Dutilleul
* 製作人 Producer│Jean Libon
* 高雄 Kaohsiung│11/8(六) 16:00
* 台北 Taipei│12/6(六) 16:00
◎導演出席台北場映後座談│Q&A with filmmaker in Taipei
One day, a breaking News is announced through RTBF. The Flemish parliament declares its independence and the king leaves. Will the Flemish and Walloons be any better as neighbors than they are as co-habitants? And how are the nationally owned railway, the social security department, the national debt and the countries riches to be split up?
Generation Gap
Richard is My Boyfriend
* 英國‧紀錄片‧63分
* UK‧Documentary‧63’
* 導演 Director│Ian Duncan & Oliver Morse
* 製作人 Producer│Ian Duncan
* 高雄 Kaohsiung│11/8(六) 19:00 ◎戶外場│Outdoor screening
* 台北 Taipei│12/6(六) 19:00
◎導演出席高雄場映後座談│Q&A with filmmaker in Kaohsiung
Anna, a 24-year-old woman who has a learning disability. Would sterilization liberate her or make her susceptible to further abuse? The characters in the story based on an amalgam of recent cases, but the psychiatrists, solicitors and barristers are real professionals given the freedom to make decisions exactly as they would in real life.
《囧男孩》導演 楊雅吉吉
Chakia & Sneakers
* 新加坡‧電視節目‧23分
* Singapore‧TV-Entertainment‧23’
* 導演 Director│Marilyn Tan
* 製作人 Producer│楊麗娟 Jean Yeo
* 高雄 Kaohsiung│11/8(六) 19:00 ◎戶外場│Outdoor screening
* 台北 Taipei│12/6(六) 19:00
Parents and Children will get a chance to exchange their sense of fashion by dressing up each other to their kind of fashion. Who knows they might end up appreciating each others’ choice and start dressing in a different way.
《飛行少年》導演 黃嘉俊
Wake-Up Call
Promised Paradise
* 荷蘭‧紀錄片‧52分
* Netherlands‧Documentary‧52’
* 導演 Director│Leonard Retel Helmrich
* 製作人 Producer│Hetty Naaijkens
* 高雄 Kaohsiung│11/9(日) 14:00
* 台北 Taipei│12/7(日) 14:00
In Promised Paradise we follow Agus, a troubadour and puppeteer who criticizes the terrorist attacks and turbulence by Muslim fundamentalists in his performance. After another bombing in Jakarta, Agus decides to confront with the terrorists and search for answers.
2008高雄電影節主席 鄭文堂
Fairytale of Kathmandu
* 愛爾蘭‧紀錄片‧60分
* Ireland‧Documentary‧60’
* 導演 Director│Neasa Ni Chianain
* 製作人 Producer│David Rane
* 高雄 Kaohsiung│11/9(日) 16:00
* 台北 Taipei│12/7(日) 16:00
◎導演出席台北場映後座談│Q&A with filmmaker in Taipei
導演Neasa Ni Chianain追隨偶像愛爾蘭詩人Cathal O Searcaigh來到加德滿都,想要透過鏡頭紀錄他的創作泉源。在加德滿都,總是有年輕的少年圍繞著詩人,而他與男孩之間的關係似乎並不單純,當導演深入調查後,愈多驚人真相逐一被揭露。
The filmmaker follows her idol, a celebrated gay Irish poet, on one of his annual trips to Nepal, where he is awaited by his 'spiritual son'. In front of the camera, the Nepalese speak favorably of this generous westerner. However, soon thereafter, some of the youths come forward to tell a different tale. The filmmaker is forced to enter the action and confront him.
影評人 聞天祥
- Dec 05 Fri 2008 09:48
【資料】2008世界公視大展精選 BEST INPUT