Michael Jackson究竟做錯了什麼?
>麥可對不起啊!! 我以前只認為你是變態...
是這個世界?是媒體?是他周遭的「yes man」?
麥可傑克森猝死 50歲驚嘆落幕
2009.06.26 03:04 pm
他的歌 他的舞 一生精采 一身爭議
2009.06.26 02:45 pm
7月13日復出演唱會 已成絕響
麥可傑克森出生於1958年8月29日,起先與4個哥哥合組「傑克森五兄弟」(Jackson Five)闖蕩演藝界,不久就以高拔的嗓音和眩目的舞步成為台柱。
Thriller狂賣4100萬張 史上最暢銷
麥可傑克森決定單飛,1979年由製作人昆西瓊斯負責,推出迪斯可曲風專輯Off the Wall,賣出一千萬張。1982年推出Thriller,是麥可傑克森身兼作曲與共同製作人的首度突破,售逾4100萬張,成為史上最暢銷專輯。
自摸舞步、變臉整容 愈來愈瘋狂
1994年,他突然和貓王26歲的獨生女麗莎瑪莉‧普里斯萊結婚,只維持兩年。1997年,他娶他做整形手術時邂逅的37 歲護士黛比‧蘿威,生下兩子,1999年離婚。
【2009/06/26 聯合晚報】
搶救1小時 麥可還是走了
2009.06.26 03:04 pm
【2009/06/26 聯合晚報】
2009.06.26 10:34 am
金牌唱片製作人Quincy Jones說:「我非常難過。命運使我們在80年代心靈相聚及共同合作。到現在全世界每一個角落還在演奏這些音樂,因為他擁有一切,才幹、優雅和專業。我今天失去了我的小兄弟,我一部分靈魂也隨他而去。」
傑克森的好友Uri Geller說:「我非常、非常難過。我祈禱他的靈魂已經上天堂。我還希冀這不是真的,我很難接受麥可已經不在了。」
經常在電視上表演特異功能的Geller 2001年重申結婚誓言時,傑克森還當他的伴郎。他對傑克森突然傳出死訊非常震驚,因為傑克森正為下月13日復出在倫敦舉行演唱會苦練,身體狀況很好。
影視明星傑米福克斯(Jamie Foxx)在接受電視訪問時驚聞噩耗,並表示他希望大家記得傑克森是「了不起的音樂家」,不要只記得他後來惹出的連串鬧劇。
BodyVox舞蹈團的Ashley Roland說:「他是天然舞者的化身…他為許多人帶來啟發,我也是其中之一。」
傑克森的孩子的教父,童星出身的英國演員馬克李斯特(Mark Lester),讚揚傑克森為人之父的貢獻。
【2009/06/26 世界日報】
2009年06月26日 12:59 発信地:ロサンゼルス/米国
【6月26日 AFP】25日急死した米人気歌手マイケル・ジャクソン(Michael Jackson)さん(50)について、同氏の弁護士で広報担当者であるブライアン・オックスマン(Brian Oxman)氏は26日、薬物治療を受けていたことを明らかにした。
オックスマン氏はまた、ジャクソンさんの薬物使用に不安を感じていたとし、今回の急死について「まったく予期できないことではなかった」とも話した。ジャクソンさんの取り巻きたちが「イネイブラー(enabler、依存症者の依存行動を無意識のうちに助けている人)」になっていたと指摘、薬物の過剰摂取で死亡したプレイボーイ(Playboy)誌の元プレイメイト、故アンナ・ニコル・スミス(Anna Nicole Smith)さんのケースを引き合いに出した。
Jackson dies, almost takes Internet with him
Michael Jackson's death sees Twitter, TMZ, news sites struggle to cope with traffic
AOL's instant messenger service, Jackson fan sites also hit
CNN reports five-fold increase in users, traffic
Web fuels false rumors alongside news of Jackson's death
updated 8 minutes ago
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By Linnie Rawlinson and Nick Hunt
LONDON, England (CNN) -- How many people does it take to break the Internet? On June 25, we found out it's just one -- if that one is Michael Jackson.
Jackson's death caused Twitter outages, as portrayed by Raul Orozco in this take on Twitter's fail whale
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The biggest showbiz story of the year saw the troubled star take a good slice of the Internet with him, as the ripples caused by the news of his death swept around the globe.
"Between approximately 2:40 p.m. PDT and 3:15 p.m. PDT today, some Google News users experienced difficulty accessing search results for queries related to Michael Jackson," a Google spokesman told CNET, which also reported that Google News users complained that the service was inaccessible for a time. At its peak, Google Trends rated the Jackson story as "volcanic."
As sites fell, users raced to other sites: TechCrunch reported that TMZ, which broke the story, had several outages; users then switched to Perez Hilton's blog, which also struggled to deal with the requests it received.
CNN reported a fivefold rise in traffic and visitors in just over an hour, receiving 20 million page views in the hour the story broke.
Twitter crashed as users saw multiple "fail whales" -- the illustrations the site uses as error messages -- user FoieGrasie posting, "Irony: The protesters in Iran using twitter as com are unable to get online because of all the posts of 'Michael Jackson RIP.' Well done." The site's status blog said that Twitter had had to temporarily disable its search results, saved searches and trend topics.
Wikipedia saw a flurry of activity, with close to 500 edits made to Jackson's entry in less than 24 hours. CNET reported that by 3:15pm PDT, Wikipedia seemed to be "temporarily overloaded."
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Michael Jackson, pop music legend, dead at 50
iReport.com: Remembering Michael Jackson
In Depth: Michael Jackson, 1958-2009
Videos: Reaction to his death; news of the day
The LA Times, the first news organization to confirm Jackson's death, suffered outages. The site also reported that AOL's instant messenger service had been hit, quoting an AOL statement that said, "AIM was down for approximately 40 minutes this afternoon." The statement said, "Today was a seminal moment in Internet history. We've never seen anything like it in terms of scope or depth."
By Friday morning, news sites seemed to be coping with traffic but Jackson fan site mjfanclub.net was still performing sluggishly. Mashable.com reported that tributes to, and remarks upon, Michael Jackson's death were responsible for 30 percent of tweets.
As with any breaking piece of news on the Web, the reports of Jackson's death sparked something of a feeding frenzy -- and with that came rumor that dragged in other celebrities completely unconnected to the King of Pop's death.
One Wikipedia prankster wrote that Jackson had been "savagely murdered" by his brother Tito, who had strangled him "with a microphone cord."
Soon rumors spread online that movie star Jeff Goldblum had fallen from the Kauri Cliffs in New Zealand while filming his latest movie. On several search engines, "Jeff Goldblum" soon became the only non-Jackson-related term to crop up in the top 10.
The rumors forced Goldblum's publicist to issue a statement to media outlets, saying: "Reports that Jeff Goldblum has passed away are completely untrue. He is fine and in Los Angeles."
At the same time Harrison Ford was also rumored to have fallen from a yacht off the south of France.
Web site snopes.com, which shoots down rumors, gossip and urban legends -- and how they originated -- said the likely culprit was a Web site which allows users to input celebrity names -- and then inserts them into fake templated stories (a further variant has stars dying in a plane crash).
In a sense the feeding frenzy was understandable -- Jackson's death, coming only hours after that of 1970s icon Farah Fawcett, left many Web users, shocked by the news of Jackson's death, asking what would happen next. In this febrile climate any rumor runs the risk of being seized on, believed and treated with more credulity than usual.
The need of the professional media to be first with the news -- many did for a short time report the Goldblum rumor as fact -- adds further veracity. And, of course, the whole process is speeded up by the Web.
There is also, of course, the old adage that celebrities die in threes, with the deaths of Gianni Versace, Princess Diana and Mother Teresa in 1997 frequently held up as an example of this.
But while Diana and Teresa passed away with seven days of each other in August and September, Versace was killed in early July. Their deaths were most keenly mourned by the same broad sections of the public -- and hence were inextricably interlinked.
The Web can link disseminate news -- but like any form of communication it can also help us create what we expect to see next.
Michael Jackson autopsy underway; ME to test for Demerol, painkiller linked to death
Updated Friday, June 26th 2009, 12:05 PM
Michael Jackson, seen above at a rehearsal, had reportedly been taking painkillers for several months as he struggled to get in shape for his comeback performances.
The music stopped
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An autopsy was underway Friday on case number 2009-04415, better known to millions of heartbroken fans as Michael Jackson, the King of Pop.
Wielding the knife was the chief Los Angeles County coroner Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran, a heavy hitter who was a star witness in the O.J. Simpson murder trial.
"Family will not be there," his spokesman, Lt. Brian Elias, told The Daily News earlier. "It's not known if any representatives for LAPD will be there."
While Jackson family insiders suggested prescription drug abuse - specifically Demerol - might have caused the 50-year-old superstar's heart to stop, Elias said it will be several weeks before toxicology results are ready.
Pressed on early reports that Jackson died of cardiac arrest, Elias said, "Everybody's heart stops, it's very non-specific."
Meanwhile, detectives were seeking to question Jackson's personal physician, who was summoned to his rented house on Sunset Blvd. on Wednesday night when he first fell ill.
"Michael Jackson's personal physician's car was impounded," said Officer Richard French, an LAPD spokesman.
"The car might contain medication or other evidence that could assist the coroner in determining the cause of Michael Jackson's death."
French did not identify the doctor, who was with Jackson on Thursday when he stopped breathing and tried to resuscitate him.
Paramedics were called to Jackson's home at 12:26 p.m. and they worked on him for 45 minutes before rushing him to UCLA Medical Center.
There, doctors took over and tried to revive Jackson for nearly an hour before pronouncing him dead at 2:26 p.m. While Jackson suffered from a host of health problems, his reported addiction to prescription drugs fueled speculation he overdosed.
TMZ.com quoted a Jackson family member as saying the Gloved One - a brilliant but eccentric music icon - was receiving a daily dose of Demerol.
London's Sun newspaper reported that he had trouble breathing after his morning shot Thursday.
"He started to experience slow, shallow breathing," a source told the paper.
"His breathing gradually got slower and slower until it stopped. His staff started mouth-to-mouth and an ambulance was called which got there in eight minutes."
The major hazards of Demerol, a synthetic drug similar to morphine, are breathing and circulation problems and cardiac arrest, according to the Food and Drug Administration.
Jackson family attorney Brian Oxman suggested injury-prone Jackson was being overmedicated as he geared up for a grueling 50-show comeback tour this summer.
"I have warned of the use of prescription medication and people who have enabled the use of those medications," Oxman told CBS.
"I do not know how much he has taken, I don't know what his current situation is in the last couple of weeks. Over the last several years I have said to family members that he is overmedicated."
People magazine also reported Friday that Jackson's siblings staged an intervention three years ago in a bid to get him off of stuff.
"Michael got p---ed off," a family insider told the magazine. "He said he wasn't on drugs. But they didn't believe him."
Detectives searched Jackson's home after he died but have not said what - if anything - they found.
Jackson had been training for his soldout London concerts with "Incredible Hulk" star Lou Ferrigno.
He reportedly showed up to rehearsal at the Staples Center on Wednesday.
Known as the "King of Pop" for his musical achievements and "Wacko Jacko" for some of his antics, Jackson was one of the best-selling and most-honored artists in modern music history.
But his star was tarnished by accusations of child molesting and other strange antics.
His longtime publicist Bob Jones said Jackson ordered anonymously "leaked" stories that made him sound weird - including sleeping in a hyperbaric chamber - as a joke on the gossip industry.
The joke backfired.
Jackson's death is a blow to concert promoter AEG
The L.A. company had sunk millions into the star's comeback, despite warnings that it a was a major risk.
By Harriet Ryan
June 26, 2009
A tragedy for his family and a heartbreak to his fans, Michael Jackson's death also represents a blow to the L.A. concert promoter that staked its reputation on and sunk tens of millions of dollars into a lavish comeback that will never happen.
AEG Live billed "This Is It," the sold-out concert series that was to have opened July 13 in London, as the most expensive and technologically advanced arena show ever. It had invested more than $20 million to mount a production that was to have included up to 22 sets, elaborate light shows and high-wire acts. The company, which owns the Staples Center among many other venues, had also set aside 50 nights at its coveted European showplace, the O2 Arena.
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With Jackson's death, AEG will have to refund the $85 million worth of tickets that were sold. Gone are the company's expected profits -- an estimated $115 million, according to Billboard -- as well as plans for a global three-year tour that the company had predicted would gross $450 million.
"They are taking a big hit," said Gary Bongiovanni, editor of concert-tracking publication Pollstar.
Among the company's immediate priorities, he said, will be trying to find other acts to fill the O2, a 20,000-seat arena that does not rely on resident sports teams to occupy its seats. Jackson concerts were scheduled to run through March.
"They will be able to re-book some of those shows. But those in July, the building will probably be dark. You have an empty building, and that's going to have an impact on their London operations, certainly," he said.
AEG struggled to get affordable insurance for the shows, given Jackson's history of canceling tours and his 12-year hiatus from performing. Chief executive Randy Phillips vowed to self-insure the shows if carriers wouldn't, and ultimately the company secured coverage for what Phillips called "the first $23 million."
Mary Craig Calkins, a Los Angeles lawyer who specializes in insurance issues, said many entertainment companies get several kinds of policies before a big tour, including one that specifically covers the health of the star or "key man."
"Usually, they would put in place a package that would have multiple aspects to it. If you are headlining Michael Jackson, you have to have Michael Jackson at the show, so we would expect they would have a policy that would cover if he got laryngitis or had a minor traffic accident or died," she said.
AEG officials declined to comment on their insurance or the financial consequences.
"We're dealing with a tragedy. We have no comment on that," a spokesman said.
In an interview last month, Phillips said that when the company announced the Jackson comeback, he was derided by colleagues in the industry.
"Everyone was very unsupportive. . . . You know, 'He'll never do it. You're fooling yourself.' All of that," he said.
Phillip said he persevered, convinced by a physical that showed Jackson was in good health, a contract that bound the singer to show up and a conviction that "in this business, if you don't take risks you don't achieve greatness."
AEG had produced other "concert residencies" for singers, including Celine Dion and Prince, but Phillips had hoped Jackson's performances would cement the company's reputation among artists.
"When you do the greatest artist ever in the history of contemporary music, I think there is a halo effect for us in terms of booking other artists," Phillips said then.
AEG Live is a unit of Anschutz Entertainment Group, which is owned by Colorado billionaire Philip Anschutz.
"The one thing about Anschutz is at least he's a billionaire. It's not going to put him out of business," Bongiovanni said.
The many faces of Michael Jackson
Page 1 of 4View as a single page4:00AM Saturday Jun 27, 2009
By Peter Conrad
- Jun 26 Thu 2008 04:01