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砂山 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

◎ by Allan Kozinn ◎譯者/劉曉文




在早期的 "Musical America's"雜誌中的"年度演奏家"專欄裡,若想要選擇一位打擊樂手為主題,無疑是個非常異類的念頭,甚至是不可能發生的事。但是在20世紀的前半,當各式各樣的作曲家們,例如巴爾托克(Bartok)、華雷斯(Varese)和凱基(Cage)開始從新思考站在交響樂團最後面的打擊部的傳統地位時,他們發現,若有人說這個需要長時間站立的角色,只提供了標點符號般的作用,那他一定是在胡言亂語。

而在接下來的 20世紀-一段充滿吵雜和喧鬧拍子的時間中,打擊樂團開始在世界各地興盛起來。而獨奏的打擊樂家們,也開始尋找屬於他們的聚光燈。但是只有少數的樂手能在獨奏和室內樂(特別是在新派音樂樂團(註)裡)中取得平衡點,並成就一番事業。(譯註:新派音樂,New Music摒除一切含有浪漫主義、印象主義、以及國民主義色彩的一種音樂。)

但沒有任何一位打擊樂家-也就是說,沒有一位樂團打擊手-可以和伊芙蓮‧格蘭妮匹敵。這位三十七歲的蘇格蘭樂手在打擊樂手心中的地位,就像是西班牙吉他大師安德烈斯‧賽戈維亞( Andres Segovia)和長笛大師皮耶.朗帕爾(Jean-Pierre Rampal) 在吉他手和長笛手心中的地位一樣。而和那些樂手們一樣的是,她也獻身於使那些從來不曾多加注意到打擊樂的觀眾,能夠知道打擊樂的演奏會,也可以是一場崇高的音樂饗宴。

伊芙蓮是個多變的樂手,她的獨奏會不但提供聽眾在木琴、電顫琴和四音鼓上靈敏的旋律配合,也提供了定音鼓,鑼和康加鼓的猛烈節奏,和界於兩者之間的各種風格手法。她所表演的曲目可以帶有哲學或甚至政治潮流的意味。(例如 Frederic Rzewski的"To the Earth")或是可以是半開玩笑的"安可"曲。(例如她改編了林姆斯基高沙可夫(Rimsky-Korsakov)的"大黃蜂的飛行"(flight of the Bumble-Bee)或是著名搖滾團體史蒂芬野狼(Steppenwolf,又譯"荒野之狼")的經典之作"註定狂野(Born to be wild)",如果你參加她夠多次的獨奏會的話,你甚至有可能會聽到她駕輕就熟地邊彈鋼琴邊唱歌。

格蘭妮第一次在美國展露頭角,是在她於 1980年代在英國所錄的專輯發行之後的事。其中有一首由巴爾托克所寫雙鋼琴配合打擊,當年由梅理‧拍拉雅(Murray Perahia) 和蕭提爵士(Sir georg Solti)擔任鋼琴演奏的部份,格蘭妮和David Corkhill合奏所打擊的曲子,於1989贏得葛萊美獎。而在此一年前,她才因"無窮動曲"(Perpetual Motion)-一首與約夏貝爾(Joshua Bell),艾格麥爾(Edgar Meyer)和其他人的跨界合作-而贏得一座葛萊美獎。

直到 1994年她才首次在美國進行演出,而再過兩年之後,她才首次以獨奏者的身份和紐約愛樂合作,演出詹姆士‧麥克風米蘭(James McMillan)的作品"Veni Veni Emmanuel",當時,美國《紐約時報》樂評人奧斯特里希(James‧R‧Oestreich)在時報上回憶道"這可能是本季紐約愛樂的表演中,最令人興奮的一刻了。

最近一年格蘭妮在歐洲、亞洲、北美和南美已舉辦約 100場的表演,所演奏之曲目絕大部份是由作曲家們專為她所創作的。截至目前為止,已有121首作品,其中包括了47首的協奏曲。而格蘭妮自己也重編了一些同事的作品,或自行創作個人作品。

她所獲得的那兩座葛萊美,不過是她這 20年來所得到的近60座獎座之一部份,其中還有兩個大學榮譽學位(她現在正在唸哲學和法律的榮譽學位)以及在1993年獲得的大英帝國勳章(The order of the British Empire)。

她也寫了一本自傳 "Good Vibrations"。或許你會認為對她而言,下功夫寫自傳太早了點因為當這本書於1991年出版時,她還只有25歲。但她寫這本書的目的,並不是在介紹她生長的那個位於亞伯丁的農莊,也不是要講述自己在19歲就畢業於皇家音樂學院中的學習歷程,更無關她年紀輕輕就成功的故事。

書中的大部分,她都在寫一個問題的答案,一個連她自己都覺得在她的一生中被問過太多次的問題:一個極度失聰( Profoundly deaf,醫學用語,用來形容聽不見95分貝以下,或95分貝以下的聲音聽起來極不清楚的患者)的孩子,是怎麼樣成為一個音樂家的?




格蘭妮在演奏時,她會去感覺這些音波的振動:當她敲打鑼,或是輕敲木琴時,她可以從她的手中,她身邊的空氣中,和她赤腳踏著的舞台上感覺到因而產生的音波振動。也因此,當她需要在協奏曲中,與其他的音樂家,例如從 1989年起就經常與她合作的鋼琴家菲力普‧史密斯(philip smith)或是2001年與她一起進行巡迴的伊馬努埃爾‧艾克斯(Emanuel Ax)合作時,才能使鋼琴旋律和打擊旋律完美配合。

但是伊芙蓮並不是就此把這個問題拋到九霄雲外,相反地,她不但重視這個問題,還在紐約建立了國際伊芙蓮‧格蘭妮獎學金。並且經由兒童聽力協會( Children Hearing Institute)來鼓勵患有聽障和耳聾的兒童繼續他們的音樂之路。但是她仍然堅持在她的表演中,或是在節目單的介紹上,不要特別強調有關她聽力不良的事,而大部份的人都做到了。



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砂山 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()






值得一提的是,原文翻譯的部分,固然參考了網友的譯法,但我仍盡量按照原文,做最素樸的翻譯。此外英文對白的原文,不少網站貼錯一句。中譯是:「一個老人從後面追來,邊跑邊哭,講不出話來。」原文是:「this old man came running……(略)……he was crying.He couldn't say.」但許多網站誤植成:「He couldn't see.」












砂山 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

1. 請求建立商業關係
2. 回復對方建立商業關係的請求
3. 請求擔任獨家代理
4. 拒絕對方擔任獨家代理
5. 同意對方擔任獨家代理
6. 借引薦建立業務關係
7. 邀請參觀貿易展覽會
8. 與過去有貿易往來的公司聯繫
9. 確認約會
10. 感謝客戶訂貨
11. 向長期客戶推銷新產品
12. 為商貿指南兜攬廣告
13. 請求客戶作推薦人
14. 通知客戶價格調整
15. 說明價格調整原因
16. 回復感謝信
17. 請客戶徵詢其他公司
18. 改善服務
19. 拒絕客戶的要求
20. 應付難辦的客戶
21. 祝賀新公司成立
22. 非正式的預約要求
23. 物色代理商
24. 歡迎新代理商
25. 要求約見
26. 拒絕約見
27. 同意約見
28. 歡迎新客戶
29. 終止商業關係

A2. 答復第一次詢價
A4. . 答復鋼螺釘詢價
A7 索取臨時發票
A8 寄送臨時發票

B1 報實價



Rogers Chemical Supply Co. 10E.22Street Omaha8,Neb Gentlemen: We have obtained your name and address from Aristo Shoes, Milan , and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us. We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, We are interested in extending our, range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations.If your prices are competitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business. We look forward to your early reply.
Very truly yours 自米蘭職權裏斯托鞋類公司取得貴公司和地址,特此修函,祈能發展關係。多年來,本公司經營鞋類進口生意,現欲擴展業務範圍。盼能惠賜商品目錄和報價表。 如價格公道,本公司必大額訂購。 煩請早日賜複。 此致 `

Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company. In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range. Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. Should you wish to place an order, please telex or fax us. 本月16日收到有關商務關係的來函,不勝欣喜。謹遵要求另函奉上最新之出口商品目錄和報價單。款項煩請以不可撤銷保兌之信用狀支付。如欲訂貨,請電傳或傳真為盼。 此致 敬禮

We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis fora number of manufacturers. We specialize in finished cotton goods for the Middle eastern market: Our activities cover all types of household linen. Until now , we have been working with your textiles department and our collaboration has proved to be mutually beneficial. Please refer to them for any information regarding our company. We are very interested in an exclusive arrangement with your factoryfor the promotion of your products in Bahrain. We look forward to your early reply. `本公司擔任多家廠家的獨家代理,專營精製棉織品,包括各燈家用亞麻製品,行銷中東。 與貴公司向有業務聯繫,互利互作。貴公司紡織部亦十分瞭解有關業務合作之情況。 盼望能成為貴公司獨家代理,促銷在巴林市場的貨品。 上述建議,煩請早日賜複,以便進一步聯繫合作。 此致 敬禮

Thank you for your letter of 1 September suggesting that we grant you a sole agency for our household linens. I regret to say that, at this stage ,such an arrangement would berather premature. We would, however, be willing to engage in a trial collaboration with you company to see how the arrangement works. It would be necessary for you to test the market for our productsat you end. You would also have to build up a much larger turnover tojustify a sole agency. We enclose price lists covering all the products you are interested in and look forward to hearing from you soon. 9月1日有關建議擔任家用亞麻製品獨家代理的來信收悉。謹致衷心謝意。目前時機尚未成熟,不能應允該安排深感抱歉。 然而,本公司樂意與貴公司先試行合作,為今後合作打下基礎。為證明擔任獨家代理的能力,貴公司宜上述貨品作市場調查,研究是否可擴大現有之營業額。奉上該貨品之報價單,敬希查照。專此候複。 此致 敬禮

Thank you for your letter of 12 April proposing a sole agency for our office machines. We have examined our long and ,I must say ,mutually beneficial collaboration. We would be very pleased to entrust you with the sole agency for Bahrain. From our records, we are pleased to note that you have two service engineers who took training courses at our Milan factory .the sole agency will naturally be contingent on you maintaining qualified aftersales staff. We have drawn up a draft agreement that is enclosed. Please examine the detailed terms and conditions and let us know whether they meet with your approval. On a personal note, I must say that I am delighted that we are probably going to strengthen our relationship. I have very pleasant memories of my last visit to Bahrain when you entertained me so delightfully .I look forward to reciprocating on your next visit to Milan . My very best wishes to you and your wife. 4月12日建議擔任為公室器具之獨家代理來信已經收悉。 過去雙方合作皆互利互助,能獲您的眷顧作我公司于巴林的獨家代理,殊感榮幸。 據知您公司兩服務技師曾到我公司米蘭工廠受訓。相信您公司在取得代理權後,仍會繼續注重合格售後服務人員的訓練。現隨信附上協議草稿, 請查實各項條款 ,惠複是盼。 能加強業務,我亦感到欣喜,前次到訪巴林,蒙盛情款待,不勝感激。祈盼您蒞臨米蘭時,容我一盡地主之誼。 此致 敬禮

At the beginning of this month , I attended the Harrogate toy fair. While there , I had an interesting conversation with Mr. Douglas Gage of Edutoys plc about selecting an agency for our teaching aids. Douglas described your dynamic sales force and innovative approach to marketing. He attributed his own company's success to your excellent distribution network which has served him for several years. We need an organization like yours to launch our products in the UK. Our teaching aids cover the whole field of primary education in all subjects .Our patented ‘Matrix’ math apparatus is particularly successful. You may have reservations about American teaching aids suiting your market. This is not a problem since we have a complete range of British English versions. I enclose an illustrated catalogue of our British English editions for your information. Please let me have your reactions to the material. I shall be in London during the first two weeks of October .Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss our proposal. 本用初參觀哈洛加特玩具交易會時有幸與教育玩具股份有限公司的道格拉斯·蓋齊先生一談,提及本公司正物色代理人推廣教學器材一事。 蓋齊先生讚揚貴公司積極推廣產品,不斷推出新的推銷方法,並把其公司的成就歸於貴公司完善的經銷網路。貴公司的經驗,正能替本公司在英國經銷產品。 本公司生產初級教育各學科的教育器村、專利產品梅特裏克教學器材更傲視同儕。 除美國教學器材外,亦備有全套英式英語版教材,適合當地市場,貴公司無需憂慮切合市場需求。 現附上配有插圖的英式英語版教材目錄,盼抽空細閱,並賜知寶貴意見。本人擬於10月頭兩星期前往倫敦,未知能否安排會面,就以上建議作一詳談? 此致 敬禮

Many thanks for your letter and enclosures of 12 September. We were very interested to hear that you are looking for an UK distributor for your teaching aids. We would like to invite you to visit our booth,no.6,at next month's London Toy Fair, at Earl's court , which starts on 2 October. If you would like to set up an appointment during non exhibit hall hours please call me. I can then arrange for our sensor staff to be present at the meeting. We look forward to hearing from you. 多謝9月12日的來信和附件。獲悉貴公司有意物色英國銷售商推廣教學輔助設備, 甚感興趣。 本公司將於10月2日於厄爾大樓舉行的聳敦玩具商品交易會上展示產品,誠邀貴公司派員參觀設於46號之攤位。如能安排於非展出時間面談,煩請電複。定必委派高層人員赴會。 本公司深知貴公司產品精美質優,希望能發展互惠之業務。 特此奉告,並候複音。

8. 與過去有貿易往來的公司聯繫
We understand from our trade contacts that your company has reestablished itself in Beirut and is once again trading successfully in your region. We would like to extend our congratulations and offer our very best wishes for your continued success. Before the war in Lebanon , our companies were involved in a large volume of trade in our textiles. We see from our records that you were among our best tem customers. We very much hope that we can resume our mutually beneficial relationship now that peace has returned to Lebanon. Since we last traded, our lines have changed beyond recognition. While they reflect current European taste in fabrics, some of our designs are specifically targeted at the Middle Eastern market. As an initial step , I enclose our illustrated catalogue for your perusal. Should you wish to receive samples for closer inspection, we will be very happy to forward them. We look forward to hearing from you. 從同行中獲悉貴公司貝魯特複業,生意發展迅速。得聞喜訊,不勝歡欣。謹祝業務蒸蒸日上。 黎巴嫩戰事發生前雙方曾有多宗紡織品交易;貴公司更是本公司十大客戶之一。現今戰事平息,亟盼能重展雙方互惠的業務聯繫。 自上次合作至令,產品款式變化極大。除了有迎合歐洲人口味的款式這外,亦有專門為中東市場而設計的產品。現奉上配有插圖的商品目錄供 初步參考。職需查看樣本,還望賜知。

I would like to confirm our appointment to discuss the possibility of merging our distribution networks. I am excited of the prospect ofexpanding our trade. As agreed, We will meet of our office in bond street at 9.30a.m.on Monday 20 March. I have scheduled the whole day for the meeting. If for any reason you are unable to attend , please phone me so that we can make alternative arrangements. Please let me know if you would like our office to arrange hotel accommodation. I look forward with great pleasure to our meeting. 承蒙拔冗講討論合併雙方銷售網,以擴大貿易發展範圍,深感興奮。現特修函確定會議日程。 謹於3月20日星期一在邦德街辦公室候教,請貴公司代表于當日早上9時蒞臨指導。若因故未能抽空出席,煩請致電告知,以便另行安排會晤。 未知是否需代為安排旅館膳宿?請儘早賜知,以便早作準備,款待貴客。 謹此預祝會談成功。

Gillette-burns Co. 322 Gleenwood street Gleveland 5,Ohio Glentlemen: Thank you for your order no,464 of 20 september. The models you selected from our showroom went out today under my personal supervision.The package is being airfreghted to you on swissair.The relevant documentation is enclosce.I enjoyed meeting yiu and hope that this order represents the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship between oiur companies. The next time you visit us ,please let me know in advance so that I can arrange a luch for you with our derectors. Sincerely yours 謝謝9月20日第464號定單。今天我已新自監督發送您自展覽室挑選的產品。該產品隨附有關檔經瑞士航空公司運送。 很榮幸與你會面,衷心希望是次定單能加強雙方的關係。下次到訪前,煩請賜知,俾能安排與本公司董事共進午餐。

I enclose an illustrated supplement toour catalogue. It covers the latest designs which are now available from stock. We are most gratified that you have, for several yeas. Include a selection of our products in your mail-order catalogues. The resulting sales have been very steady. We believe that you will find our new designs most attractive. Theyshould get a very good reception in your market. Once you have had time to study the upplement , please let us know if you would like to take the matter further. We would be very happy to send samples to you for closer inspection. For your information, we are planning a range of classical English dinner services which ,should do well in the North American market. We will keep you informed on our progress and look forward to hearingfrom you. 隨函寄奉配有插圖的商品目錄附頁,介紹最新設計的產品。貴公司的郵購目錄多年來收錄本公司產品,產品銷售成績理想,特此致以深切謝意。最新設計的產品巧奪天工,定能吸引顧客選購。煩請參閱上述附頁,需查看樣本,請賜複,本公司樂意交勞。 本公司現正設計一系列款式古典的英國餐具,適合北美市場需求。如感興趣,亦請賜知。 願進一步加強聯繫,並候複音。

12. 為商貿指南兜攬廣告
Thank you for your business. You arecurrently represented in our directory. This is the only directory of its kind which reaches all companies in the building and construction industry in the UK. Advertising in our directory was a wise move on your part. We are currently compiling a new edition of the directory which willbe published in April 1995.The new edition will be expanded to include major manufacturers of plumbing equipment in the European Community. For proper coverage in the directory, you ought to appear in more than one category. If you do opt for a multiple listing, you will be ableto buy space in additional categories at half price. You can be assured that the new edition will be on the desks of allthe major decision makers in the building and hardware trades. Please complete the enclosed form and return it with the appropriate fee. Thanks again for your business. 衷心感謝惠顧。貴公司商號已刊登在本公司的商貿指南中。該指南乃唯一覆蓋英國全部建築公司的刊物,在此刊登廣告確是明智之舉。 現下籌備1998年4月版 的貿易批南,新版會羅列歐洲貢同體的主要鉛管業製造商。為達到出色的宣傳效果,貴公司宜考慮在不同類別刊登廣告。如蒙惠顧,除首個廣告外,其餘類別的廣告將可獲半價優惠。 該指南將分送給所有建築公司和五金器具公司主管。煩表填妥隨附表格,連同廣告費用一併寄回。 專此盼候佳音。

13. 請求客戶作推薦人
Thank you for your letter of 2 November. We are delighted to hear that you are to pleased with the refurbishment of your hotel. As your know .in our line of work, we depend on good ,reports about our projects to win further business. Our clients always shop around and look for references before committing themselves. With your permission, we would like to use your hotel as a reference when we discuss similar refurbishments in the hotel industry . Would you agree to our suggesting that future clients should call you? It would also be most helpful if we could occasionally bring a client to look at your hotel . We would , of course , stay overnight at least.I'll call you next week to hear your reaction. Thanks again for you kind words. 從11月2日的來函得悉閣下對貴飯店的整修感到滿意,此消息對本公司實是一鼓勵。 設計行業重視聲譽,客人在選擇設計公司時必然會有所比較。如蒙允許,本公司欲請貴飯店作推薦人,證明有關整修的質素。未知可否讓其他客戶來電垂詢? 此外,如獲允准間或聯同客戶前來參觀貴飯店整修,定必有莫大幫助。當然,本公司會預訂房間,至少留宿一晚。

14. 通知客戶價格調整
We enclose our new catalogue and price list. The revised prices will apply from 1 April 1997. You will see that there have been number of changes in our product range. A number of improved models have been introduced. Out range of washing machines has been completely revamped. Many popular lines, however, have been retained unchanged. You will be aware that inflation is affecting industry as a whole .Ws have been affected like everyone else and some price increases havebeen unavoidable. We have not, however, increased our prices across the board, In many cases, there is a small price increase, but in others, none at all. We can assure you that the quality of our consumer durables has been maintained at a high standard and that our service will continueto be first class. We look forward to receiving your orders. 謹謝上新的商品目錄和價格表。修訂價格定於1997年4月1日起生效。產品系列有一大革新,增加了不少改良的型號,扒出一系列新款的洗衣機,但許多款的開動號仍保持不變。通貨膨脹影響整個工業連帶令貨品價格上漲。雖然如此,本公司並未全面提升價格,調整幅度亦不大。 本公司堅守一貫信念,務求出產優質之耐用消費品,迎合顧客的需要。 謝謝貴公司多年惠顧,盼繼續合作。

15. 說明價格調整原因
I enclose our new price list , which will come into effect ,from the end of this month. You will see that we have increased our prices on most models. We have ,however , refrained from doing so on some models of which we hold large stocks. We feel we should explain why we have increased our prices. We are paying 10% more for our raw materials than we were paying last year. Some of our subcontractors have raised their by as much as 15%. As you know , we take great pride in our machines and are jealous of the reputation for quality and dependability which we have achieved over the last 40 years. We will not compromise that reputation because of rising costs. We hope, therefore decided to raise the price of some of our machines. We hope you will understand our position and look forward to your orders. 現謹附上本公司新價格表,新價格將於本月底生效。除了存貨充裕的商品外,其餘大部分貨品均已調升價格。是次調整原因是原材料價格升幅上漲10%,一些承包商的價格調升到15%。 過去40年,本公司生產的機器品質優良、性能可靠。今為確保產品品質,唯有稍為調整價格。上述情況,還望考慮。願能與貴公司保持緊密合作。

We greatly appreciate your letter describing the assistance you received in solving your air-conditioning problems. We are now in our fifty year of operation, and we receive many letters like your indicating a high level of customer satisfaction with our installation. We are pleased that our technical staff assisted you so capably. We would like you to know that it you need to contact us at any time in the future. Our engineers will be equally responsive to your request for assistance. If we can be of service to you again, please let us know. Thank you again for your very kind letter. 承蒙來信讚揚本公司提供的空調維修工程服務,欣喜不已。五年前開業至今,屢獲客戶來函嘉獎,本公司榮幸之至。欣悉貴公司識技術人員的服務,他日苛有任何需要,亦請與本公司聯絡,本公司定當提供優秀技師,竭誠效勞。在此謹再衷心感謝貴公司的讚賞,並請繼續保持聯絡。

17. 請客戶徵詢其他公司
Thank you for your enquiry of 5 May concerning silk blouses. We regret to say that we do not manufacture clothing to your own designs to the highest European standards: Swan Textiles corporation The industrial zone Shekou We supply the factor with all their silk materials, I enclose a swatch of our stock materials for your examination. Should you desire any of these samples made up into finished products , we can supply the swan factory with them. We hope that this will be of help to you and wish you every success in your business dealings. 謝謝5月5月日來函查詢關於紆綢罩衫的事宜。 本公司只生產紆綢布料,供應紡織品批發商和製造廠家,並沒有製造成衣,因而未能接受貴公司訂貨,謹致萬分歉意然而,本公司樂意推薦本地一家生產優質男裝的工廠,相信可按貴公司設計的款式製造符合歐洲最高標準的服裝:蛇口工業區天鵝紡織品公司。 該廠的絲綢布料全由本公司供應,隨函了什樣本以供查閱,如貴公司認為適合,本公司樂意負責供應所需布料。願上資料對貴公司有所幫助。 謹祝生意興隆,事事順達。

18. 改善服務
Thank you for your letter of 26 January. I apologize for the delivery problems you had with us last month. I have had a meeting with our production and shipping managers to work out a better system for handling your account .We know we made a mistake on your last order . Although we replaced it for you. we want to make sure it does not happen again. We have devised the enclosed checklist to use for each of your future order. It includes your firm's particular specifications, packing requirements and marking instructions. I believe can service your company better and help you operations run more smoothly with this safeguard. Please contact us if there are any additional points you would like us to include. 感謝1月26日來信。對上月貴公司更換所需貨品,唯恐類似事件再發生,本公司生產、運輸和出口部經理已商議制訂更有效方法處理貴公司事務,並為此特別設計清單。 隨信奉上該清單,供貴公司今後訂貨之用。當中包括特殊規格、包裝要求和樗說明等欄目,相信此舉有助本公司提供更佳服務,促進雙方合作。如欲增設任何欄目於該清單上,懇求惠示。

19. 拒絕客戶的要求
Thank you for your enquity of 25 August.We are always pleased to hear from a valued customer.I regret to say that we cannot agree to your request for technical information regarding our software security sysytems.The fact is,that most of our competitors also keep such information private and confidential.I sincerely hope that this does not inconvenience you in any way.If there is any other way in which we can help. do not hesitte to contact us again. 8月25日信收悉,謹此致謝。 來信要求本公司提供有關軟體保密系統的技術資料,但鑒於同行向來視該等資料為機密檔,本公司亦不便透露,尚祈見諒。我真誠地希望這樣不會對貴公司造成不便。如需本公司協助其他事宜,歡迎隨時賜顧垂詢。 祝業務蒸蒸日上!

20. 應付難辦的客戶
We have been doing business together for a long time and we value our relationship of late, we have not been able to provide the kind of service we both want. The problem is that your purchasing department is changing orders after they have been placed. This has led to confusion and frustration for both of our companies. In several instances. you have returned goods that were originally ordered. To solve the problem , I propose that on receipt of an order, our sales staff contact you to verify it. If you decide on any changes, we will amend the order and fax you a copy so that you can check it. I trust this system will cut down on delays and errors, and allow our operations to run smoothly. 承蒙多年惠顧,本公司感激萬分。然近來合作出現問題,令服務水準未能符合對方要求,本公司為此提憂不已。 貴公司采部發出定單後,再三更改內容;更有甚者,屢次退回訂購之貨品,導致了雙方公司工作中的混亂和困惑。為避免問題日趨嚴重,特此在接到定單後,由本公司銷售人員與貴公司復核。若需作出改支,本公司把定單修改後電傳副本,供貴公司查核。 盼望上述辦法經受減少延誤,促進雙方業務發展。

21. 祝賀新公司成立
It has just come to our attention that you have lately opened your new European headquarters in Brussels. Congratulations on your bold venture. As you know , our companies have had a long business association in the UK. We look forward to collaborating with you in your European venture. Please let us know if we can be of any assistance to you. We will be delighted to help. We wish you the very best of luck and a prosperous future.

22. 非正式的預約要求
Could we meet some time this month to discuss the hypermarket proposal? We want to make decision by the beginning of next month. We would very much like to hear your thoughts before we make any definite plans. Could you choose a venue for the meeting? I can fly to London any time, Perhaps you would prefer Lyon or Paris? I leave it to you to choose. I look forward to seeing you again. 您好!未知能否於本月會面,商談有關特大自助市場的建議呢?我們準備於下月初作出最後決定。在未訂下明確計畫之前,希望能諮詢的意見。敢問能否選定會面地點?在倫敦、巴黎或里昂商談都可以,悉隨尊便。 期待與您見面。

23. 物色代理商
Our company manufactures a range of printing presses that are used successfully by companies in over 20 countries. A product specification brochure is enclosed. We are considering expanding our products to new markets and we would appreciate you assistance. In particular , we would like to identify the best agents who are currently serving the printing industryin your region. We are looking for organizations which conduct their business in a truly professional manner. They must be fully conversant with thetechnical side of the printing industry and have a comprehensive understanding of all the features of the lines t6hey represent. We would be very grateful if you could take a few moments to send us the names of three or four organizations that match our requirements.We shall then contact them to explore the possibility of establishing a mutually acceptable business relationship. Thank you very much for your time and consideration in this matter. 本公司生產的一系列印刷機,獲二十多個國家的公司採用。隨函附上產品規格說明書,謹供參考。 現為該產品開拓新市場,希望得知貴地區從事印刷工業的代理商資料。如蒙貴公司協助,將不勝感激。如能撥冗寄來數個符合上述要求代理商商號,則感激不盡。本公司將與其聯繫,研究能否建立互惠互利折業務關係。 右蒙惠告,不勝感荷!

24. 歡迎新代理商
I would like to welcome you to our organization. We are very pleased to have you on our ream. I know that you will be equally proud of our products. Our European sales Representative, Antoine Gerin , will be in touch with you at regular intervals. Please feel to call him any time you have a problem, If I can regular intervals. Please feel free to call him any time you have a problem. If I can ever be of service, please call me. I am planning a trip to France next month, and I am looking forward to meeting you. In the meantime, the best of luck with our product line. 歡迎加入本公司成為我們的一分子。相信您也會以本公司的產品為榮。歐洲銷售代理安東尼·格林會定期與聯絡,遇有問題可與他商討。若有其他需要,歡迎向我提出。 下月我將赴法國一遊,期望能與您會面。謹祝產品銷量節節上升。

25. 要求約見
Would you be interested in stocking a radical new departure in laptop computers? I would very much like to brief you on this great innovation. Could we make an appointment? The machine is the same size as most laptops but comes with some totally new features. The retail price will undercut its nearest competitor by at least 20%.I shall be in the UK from 1 September to 20 October. If you would like to know more, just fax or telex me. 貴公司有沒有考慮配置最新型號的手提電腦?本公司誠意推介該嶄新產品,盼能預約時間作一介紹。 該電腦體積和同類電腦相仿,但配備多項先進功能。其零 售 價較同類產品便宜20%以上。本人將於9月1日至10月20日逗留英國。如蒙撥冗瞭解該產品資料,煩 請函複。

26. 拒絕約見
Thank you for your letter of 7 July regarding your new laptop computer. I regret to say that we cannot agree to your request for an appointment. We currently have the sole agency for another computer company, Under the terms of the contract , We are barred from stocking any other company's products. The sole agency comes under review in six months' time . Contact us then and we may be able to consider your new product. 7月7日有關新型號手提電腦函收悉。 本公司暫未能安排會面,深感歉意。現時正為另一家電腦公司提任獨家代理,根據合約條款,不得銷售別家電腦公司的產品。該代理權將於六個月後期滿。屆時煩請再作聯繫,共商貴產品代理事宜。

27. 同意約見 Thank you for your letter of 15 September. I note that you will bein the UK during the whole of November. We are quite interested by the fashion knitwear illustrated in yourcatalogue. As a fashion Chain. We might consider having some of our own designs manufactured in China. Please let me know when you would like to call on us. The week beginning 6 November would suit me best. I look forward to meeting you and discussing this matter. 感謝9月15日的來信。欣聞閣下將于11月逗留倫敦一個月,望到時能撥冗相會。本公司對貴公司商品目錄中的針織時裝深感興趣。現正研究設計款式,在中國製造後寄本公司時裝連鎖店發售。 如能於11月6日或其後數天抽空來訪,當感激不盡。 期待與您會面,商討有關事宜。

28、歡迎新客戶 Welcome to bradley & sons.We are delighted to have you as one of our customers.You can be sure that we will do everything in our power to merit your business. Our efforts always revolve around the needs of our customers.If you have any special requests about shipments.merchandise,payment or product modifications,please let us know.I shall arrange for our european sales representative to call on you at least once a month.He will make sure that our business relationship runs smoothly. Many thanks tor your confidence in us. 聞悉本公司有幸為閣下服務,雀躍萬分。必定竭盡全力,不負所托。 本公司秉承傳統宗旨,晝滿足客戶的需求。閣下如對裝運、推銷、付款手續或產品改良有任何要求,還請告知。 本公司的歐洲銷售代理將第月拜訪閣下最少一次,確保雙方貿易關係能順利發展。 得到閣下的信任,謹此再三致謝。

29、終止商業關係 Further to our telephone conversation of this morning, I am enclosing the formal letter terminating our contract. In view of the collapse in the market for your Minimaniac doll, we can no longer undertake to distribute it. We shall try to dispose of the stocks we do have at a discount. We have enjoyed working with you. When you get your next idea for a popular toy. Please get in touch with us. Very best wishes. 根據今早的電話談話,現謹奉上終止雙方合同的正式函件。 鑒於貴公司的迷你玩具銷售量暴跌,本公司不能繼續推銷該貨品。庫存貨品亦將設法削價傾銷。雙方合作素來愉快。如對流行玩具有新穎構思,煩表不吝賜教。

A1、第一次詢價 We have learned from Smith and company of Birmingham that you manufacture a range of high-fashion handbags in a variety of leathers. We operate a quality retail business and although our sales volume is not large, we obtain high prices for our goods. Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms? We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of thevarious skins from which the handbags are made. 從伯明輸史密公司獲悉貴公司製作了一系列款式新穎皮革手提包。本公司經營高檔零售業務,雖然銷量不多,但是全屬優質高價。現懇請惠寄貨品目錄,價格表和付款方式細則。 此外,如提供各類革樣本,不勝感激

A2、答復第一次詢價 Thank you for your enquiry of 16 July. We are pleased to hear thatyou are interested in our products. We are sending you a copy of our latest catalogues under, separatecover , together with samples of some of the skins we regularly use in the manufacture of our products. I regret to say that we cannot send you the full range of samples. You can be assured , however ,that such skins as crocodile and ostrich, not included in the swatch, are of the same high quality. Mrs. Angela wane, our European sales manager , will be in the UK next month and will be pleased to call in you. She will have with her a wide range of our products. When you see them, we think that you will agree that only the best quality materials are used, and that the high standard of workmanship sill appeal to the most discriminating buyer. We also manufacture a wide range of leather belts and gloves in which you may be interested. They are fully illustrates in our catalogue and are of the same high quality as our handbags. Mrs. wane will be able to show you examples when she calls. We look forward to receiving an order from you. 7月16日來函價已收到。得悉貴公司對我們的產品有興趣,實感榮幸。茲奉上我以新的產品目錄和常用的皮革樣本謹供參考。 很抱歉未能寄上全套樣本,但其他諸如鱷魚皮、駝鳥皮等皮革都是同樣優質上乘的。 本公司歐洲營為經理安拉·韋恩太太將于下月攜同各類產品前赴英國。屆時您若能抽空與她面談和看看我們的產品,相信也會同意我們的產品質料上乘、手工精巧,能吸引最有鑒賞力的買主。 除了手提包外,本公司亦製造多種系列精美的皮帶和手套,貴公司如感興趣,可參看產品目錄中所刊登的插圖。恩太太訪時將向您展示樣本。

A3、鋼螺釘詢價 We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all sizes. We would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England. It would also be appreciated if you could forward if you could forward samples and your price list to us. We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition , we have confidence in the quality of your products. We look forward to hearing from you by return. 本公司有意大量購買各型號鋼螺釘,欲知每公斤送抵英國利物浦的成本加運費價格。如蒙惠賜上述報價單,不勝勝激。如能惠寄樣本和價格表,亦必感謝不盡。 本公司素來抽其他公司購買此類品,聞悉貴公司貨品質優價廉,故欲與貴公司建立合作關係。

A4、答復鋼螺釘詢價 Thank you for your enquiry of 2 October1995.In reply, we would like to make the following offer, subject to our final confirmation. Product: steel screws Specifications: As per the attached list Packing: Loose in boxes of 5 kg net Quantity: 100 boxes Price: As per the attached list Shipment: January/February 1996 Payment: Confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft on sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment. Under separate cover, we have sent you samples of various sizes. our catalogue and price list. If you find our offer acceptable, please telex or fax us for confirmation. 貴公司1995年10月2日詢價函收悉。如下需在本公司確認後。方為有效: 產品:鋼螺釘 規格:依照附表 包裝:淨重5以斤散裝箱 數量:110箱 價格:依照附表 裝運:196年1月至3月 付款:保兌不可撤銷即期信用證,需於裝運前30天開立另函附寄各型產本、商品目錄和價格表。如貴公司接受上述報價。請儘早實定單為盼。

A5、詢問盤子價格細目 We enclose details of our inquiry for dishes to be delivered before the first of next month. Will you please give us your prices for the quantity named? 今隨函附上必須在下月一日以前交貨的盤子詢價細目。 請把我所需數量的盤子價格告訴我們 好嗎?

A6、索取樣品和詢價 Please send us samples and your lowest prices for your fountain pens, model 464-B.Samples and prices must reach us no later than 15th of this month. 請將你們464-B型自來水筆的樣品寄給我們,並注明最低價格。樣品和價格至遲須於本月15日以前寄到我處。

A7、索取臨時發票 One of our clients has asked us to obtain a pro forma invoice for the following product: Lion Brand Nail clippers model 21 chrome-plated Please send us your pro forma invoice in triplicate for 500 dozens of the above product as soon as possible so that we can get our client's confirmation. We will have no problem in obtaining the import licence . As soon as this is approved, a letter of credit will be opened in your favour. 本公司客戶要求獲得下列產品的臨時發票: 獅牌21鍍鉻指甲鉗500釘現請貴公司儘快寄送一式三份的臨時發票給我們以便取得該客戶確認。申請進口許可證並無困難。此事一經同意,本公司將立即開以貴公司為受款人的信用證。

A8、寄送臨時發票 In response to your request, dated 14 July 1996.we have much pleasure in sending you our pro forma invoice in triplicate. For your information, or offers usually remain open for about a week. Seeing that or nail clippers are selling very fast, we suggest that you act on the quotation without delay. We look forward to hearing from you. 現應1996年7月4日的要求,謹寄上臨時發票一式三份。 茲奉告本公司的報價一般效期一周。另困本公司出品的指甲鉗銷路極佳,為免向隅,貴公司宜儘早回復。

A9、提供代用品報價 Thank you for your telex enquiry of 23 September concerning cotton print 634. We appreciate your efforts in marketing our product and consequentlywe regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due to excessive the following material as a close substitute. 500 pieces cotton print 428 at US$150 per metre CIF New York, including your commission of 2% A sample is enclosed for your reference. If you find the sample acceptable, please telex us as soon as possible. 貴公司9月23日詢問有關634號印花棉布價格的電傳已經收到,多謝來函。本公司感謝你們熱心推銷我們的產品。但因有關產品需求殷切,未能滿足貴公司要求,深感遺憾。 然而,本公司另一出產類似的織品。現報上虛盤如下:428號印花棉布500件,每米1.5美元紐約到岸價,當中包括貴傭金2%隨函警附樣本供貴公司參考。滿意樣本品質,請儘快電傳複實。 Thank you for your telex enquiry of 23 September concerning cotton print 634. We appreciate your efforts in marketing our product and consequentlywe regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due to excessive the following material as a close substitute. 500 pieces cotton print 428 at US$150 per metre CIF New York, including your commission of 2% A sample is enclosed for your reference. If you find the sample acceptable, please telex us as soon as possible.

A10、訂購商品 Please send to the following items to be shipped by way express, and bill us. The order is contingent on receiving the terms of 2%-30 days: 1 doz.linen handkerchiefs: $2.40 4pair tan pigskin gloves, size :$12.00 2doz.assorted Orlon sport shirts : $72.00 5pair assorted cotton socks : $2.00 TOTAL : $88.40 請將下列各項商品交由鐵路以快運方式發運給我們並列帳單。按照“ 2%-30天”的條件執行。 1打亞麻布手帕 2.40美元 4雙棕黃色豬皮手套(尺碼) 12.00 2打各種花色的奧綸運動衫 72.00 5雙雜色棉線短襪 2.00 合計 88.40美元 `

A11、開具所需商品單並要求儘快裝運 Please ship the following goods by motor freight as soon as possible, and charge them to our account: 15Ibs. bicarbonate of soda $4.50 1gross boxes of aspirin $36.00 20bottles Rapp Syrup-#47B $10.00 TOTAL $50.50 請儘快用汽車發運下列物品:費用請記入我方帳內。 15磅小蘇打 4.50美元 12打盒裝阿司匹林 36.00美元 20瓶拉普糖漿-47B 10.00美元 合計 50.50美元

A12、確認訂貨 This is to confirm my telephone order of yesterday for the following items: 4Jr.Sewing Machines Model 3A 7Homemaker’s Ironing Boards 15 Fold Up Clothes Racks 昨天我在電話所聯繫的下列各項訂貨現作進一步確認。 4台3A型小縫紉機、7只家用熨斗、15只折迭式衣架。

A13、要求按訂貨單發貨 Thank you for your samples of striped coatings received today. Please make shipment in accordance with our Order No.2602 enclosed herewith. 今天收到你們寄來的帶條紋外衣料樣品,謝謝。請按照信內附寄的第2602號訂單發貨。

A14、無法供貨 We refer to your telex of 12 August and ours of today regarding the supply of black silk. As you perhaps know, demand for the above has been heavy since last year. We are consequently fully committed at the moment and are unable to make you the offer as requested. We assure you, however, that we shall contact you as soon as fresh supplies become available. Should your customers requite other silks, please let us know. 貴公司8月12日的電傳已經收到,現就有關黑色絲綢供貨問題電複。自去年以來,上術貨品的需求量極高。本公司暫未能承接定單,故無法按貴公司要求報價。 他日一旦有新貨源,本公司定當即時與貴公司聯絡。若貴客戶需要 其他絲綢貨品,亦請告知。

A15、拒絕訂貨 Thank you for your order no.458 for tin plate sheets which we received today. We regret that, owing to a shortage of stock, we are unable to fill your order. Moreover, our manufacturers cannot undertake to entertain your order for future delivery owing to the uncertain availability of raw materials. We will, however, contact you by telex once supply improves. In the meantime, please feel free to send us your specific enquiries for other types of metal sheets. You can assured of our best attention at all times. 今天收到貴公司4 5 8號鍍錫板的定單。因為存貨短缺,未能供應貴公司所需貨品,特此致歉。此外,製造商尚未確定原料供應量是否充足,所以不能接受其他定單。一旦供應情況改善,我們將電傳通知貴公司。若貴公司需要其他金屬薄板型號的資料,我們樂意隨時效勞

A16、再次訂貨 We have received the above shipment ex SS Blue Seas and are pleased to inform you that we find the goods quite satisfactory. Since we believe we can sell additional quantities it this market, we wish to place with you a repeat order for 500 dozens of the same style and sizes. We would be grateful if you could arrange early shipment of this repeat order at we are in urgent need of the goods. If the goods are not available from stock, we would be grateful ifyou could advise us, with full particulars of the specifications, of replacement goods which can be whipped from stock.

A17、拒絕接受再次訂貨 We are pleased to acknowledge your letter of 6 March informing us that you are satisfied with our ladies tights shipped to you per SS Blue Seas. We also note that you wish to place a repeat order. We regret that we cannot at present entertain any new orders for Baletto ladies' tights owing to heavy orders. We are, however, keeping your order before us. As soon as we are in a position to accept new orders, we will contact you by telex. With regard to stock lines, we are enclosing a list for your information. Should you be interested in any of these, please let us know your requirements, stating quantity, style and sizes. 3月6日的來信已收到,得悉貴公司滿意經由藍海號輪船運送的女裝緊身衣,並希望再訂購貨品,深表謝意。由於定單過多,本公司很抱歉暫時未能接受巴勒圖女裝緊身衣的新定單。我們會保留貴公司的定單,一俟能接受新定單,即以電傳知會貴公司。現隨函附上本公司存貨清單以供參考。如欲訂購任何貨品,請告知所需貨品之數量、式樣和尺碼、本公司半竭誠為您效勞。

A18、拒絕特別訂貨要求 Thank you for your letter of 20 May concerning your special request. From time to time we do run special jobs, changing materials and colors for one particular order. But we have to consider many factors before we can accept the order. I have spoken to our production manager, and she has done the costings. I am sorry to report that even if we did the job for you at cost, it would come out well above the price you are willing to pay. I am checking with other manufacturers in the area who are working with the materials you want. They may be able to give you the quality you desire at a fair price. I will get back to you in a few days. We appreciate your business and I am glad you asked us about this job .The next time you have a special need, please ask again. We will try our best to do the job for you .If we cannot, we will attempt to find the best company that can. 謝謝貴公司5月20日特別訂貨要求的來函。 本公司遇有客戶特別要求,如情況許可,亦樂意加工變換有關產品的用料或顏色。 貴公司的要求經轉達生產部經理作成本預算後,考慮到所需費用較貴公司所擬高出很多,因而未能照辦,非常抱歉。 現正聯絡其他廠商,研究是否能以合理價格達成要求。不日將有答復。承蒙查詢加工事宜,謹致衰心謝意。如有其他要求,本公司樂意隨時候命。即若未能效勞,亦當物色其他能勝任的商代辦

A19、招標 The Ministry of Education of Buanda invites all prospective bidders for the supply of educational materials to submit their quotations. The bidders are expected to send their quotations in wax-sealed envelopes to our Post Office Box to arrive not later than 11:00 hours on 31 March 1997. The bids will be opened on the same day at 15:00 hours local time. The address at the head of this letter should be written clearly on the sealed envelopes, which must be marked `Tender Box 6'. The bidder's address should be written on the back of the envelope. The sealed quotations will be opened in the presence of the bidders ,or their accredited representatives, by the Tender committee in conference room 4 at the ministry of Education. After a thorough examination of the tenders, the winning bidder will be informed. An agreement will then be signed within 15 days. 投標書放入信封後,必須用蠟封好,於1997年3月31日11時前投入教育部郵政信箱裏。在同日當地時間15時開標。 投標書信封面須寫上上列的教育部地址,注明“第六號投標箱”。信封背後寫上投標人姓名和地址。 密封的投標書將在教育部第四會議室由投標委員會開啟,投標人需親身或委派代表到場。 投標經全面審查後,中標人將獲通知,並於15日內簽訂協議。

A20、要求按期發貨 Enclosed is an order for which we ask your special attention to time of delivery. It is important that we receive these goods on the exact day mentioned as we have extensively advertised the day of our sale. Please let us know immediately if you have any difficulty in supplying the exact goods ordered. All orders must be delivered complete; no remainders must follow. 茲附上訂單一份。請特別注意交貨日期。因為我們已經廣泛做了出售日期的廣告。故必須按上述確切日期收貨。如果你們在供應急需訂貨方面有什麼困難,請立即通知我們。所有訂貨都必須全部交完,不能陸續發運。

A21、收到訂單及供貨安排 This is to acknowledge your order for 15Ibs.of bicarbonate of soda,45 bottles of cod liver oil, I gross of boxes of yeast extract. If we are to ship goods by the date requested in your order we can send you only 40 bottles of cod liver oil instead of 45 bottles. The other goods will be sent complete. We shall be able to fill rest of the order within a week. We hope that this will be satisfactory. 關於15磅小蘇打、45瓶魚肝油和12打盒裝酵母精的訂單業已收悉。如果要按照你訂單上所要求的日期發貨,我們只能給你們發運魚肝油40瓶而不是45瓶。其餘貨物則可以全部發完。訂單上剩下未發的貨物可在一周內發齊。希望你對這種安排能夠滿意。

A22、原訂單與現價有出入 Thank you for your order # 411 for 6 injector upset heads. According to our records, the price we agreed upon was $76.00 each, not $74.00 as stated in your order. Will you check your copy? We shall hold the goods until we hear from you 感謝你們寄來第411號訂單有關6台噴射器縮鍛頭。根據我們的記錄,所商定的價錢是每台76.00美元,而不是你們訂單上所說的74.00美元。請再查一下你們的副本好嗎?在未收到你們來信時以前,我們將為你保留貨物。

A23通知需延期交貨 Acknowledging your order of January9,we regret that we cannot ship until January 23.Please let us know if this is satisfactory so that we can make shipment on that date. 你1月9日的訂單已經收到。很為抱歉,對該批訂貨我們要到1月23日才能發貨。如果你同意這樣安排,就請即通知我們,以便按期裝運。

B1、 報實價 This is to confirm uour telex of 6 April1997,asking us to make you firm offers for rice and soybeans C&f singapore. We telexed you this morning offering you 300 metric tons of一步polished rice at A$2,400 per metric ton ,c&f singapore,for shipment during July/August 1997.This offer is firm,subject to the receipt of your reply before 1 June 1997. Please note that we have quoted our most favourable price and are unable to entertain any counter offer. With regard to soybeans,we advise you that the few lots we have at present are under offerelsewheri.If,however,you were to make us a suitable offer,there is a possibility of our supplying them. As you know,of late,it has been a heavy demand for these commodities and this has resulted in increased prices. You may,however,take advantage of the strengthening market if you send an immediate reply. 1997年4月6日有關查詢大米和大豆新加坡到岸價的電傳已收悉。今日上午電傳報價:精白米300公噸,每公噸成本加運費新加坡到岸價為2400澳元。於1997年7或8月裝運。以上實價需由貴公司於1997年6月1日前回復確實。 該報價為最優惠價,恕不能還價。本公司與客戶正洽售一批大豆交易,若貴公司願意報以適當買價,本公司樂意出售。近來該類產品需求熱列,令價格上漲。請貴公司把握機會,儘早落實定單為盼。

B2、主動報價 This time last year you placed an order for type BS362 12-volt sealed batteries. This is discontinued line which we had on offer at the time. We now have a similar product on offer, Type CM233.lt occurs to us that you might be interested. A descriptive leaflet is enclosed. We have a stock of 950 of Type CN233 which we are selling off at GB£28 each.We can offer a quantity discount of up to 15%, but we are prepared to give 20% discount for an offer to buy the complete stock. We are giving you this opportunity in view of your previous order. We would appreciate a prompt reply, since we will put the offer out in the event of your not being interested. 去年此時貴公司所訂購的BS362型號12伏密封電池,現已停止生產。現有同類型產品CN233,存貨共950件,特惠價每件28英鎊。貴公司如感興趣,敬請參看隨附之簡介說明。 大批訂購可獲八五折優惠,整批購入則可享八折特惠。 為感謝貴公司以往惠顧,特此給予訂購優惠。亟盼立即回復,如貴公司未欲訂購,本公司亦能儘早另作安排。

B3、敦促買主接受報價 We refer to our quotation of 4 September and our mail offer of 20 October regarding the supply of Flame cigarette lighters. We are prepared to keep our offer open until the end of this month. As this product is in great demand and the supply limited, we would recommend that you accept this offer as soon as possible. 關於火焰牌打火機的供應事宜,本公司曾於9月4日報價和於10月20日郵寄報盤。現特此通知,該報盤的有效期在本月底結束。該貨品市場需求量極大,供貨有限。宜從速接受該報價為荷。

B4、還價 We are in receipt of your letter of 31 July offering us 100 metric tons of polished rice at A$1,200per metric ton on the usual terms. We regret to inform you that our buyers find your price much too high. We are informed that some lots of American origin have been sold here at a level about 30% lower than yours. We do not deny that the quality of Australian rice is slightly better but the difference in price should, in no case, be as large as 10%. To facilitate the transaction, we counter offer as follows, subject to your reply being received by us before 30 September 1996. 100metric tons of polished rice, 1996 crop, at A$1,050 per metric ton CIF Singapore, other terms as per your letter of 31 July As the market price is falling, we recommend your immediate acceptance. 承蒙 7月31日來函報盤100公噸精白米,以每公噸1200澳元和按一般條件交易,謹此致謝。 然而,買主認為報價太高。本公司得悉本地現正出售的美國大米,價格較上述報盤約低30%。 無可否認,澳洲大米品質較佳。然而,價格相差理應少於10%。為達成交易,現謹還價如下,並以1996年9月30日以前收到貴公司答復為實: 1996年產精百米100公噸,每噸新加坡到岸價1050澳元,其餘條件按貴公司7月31日來函為准有見市場價格不斷下跌,擬請立即接受上述還價。

B5、拒絕還價條款 Thank you for your letter of 10 October. We are surprised to hear that you consider our price for tin plate sheets too high. Much as we would like to do business with you , we regret to say that we cannot entertain your counter offer. The price we have quoted is quite realistic. We would point out that we have received substantial orders from other sources at our level. If you could improve your offer, please let us know. Since supplies of this product are limited at the moment, we would ask you to act quickly. We assure you that any further enquiries from you will receive our prompt attention. 多謝10月10日來函。得悉貴公司認為錫片價格太高,頗感意外。 本公司所報價錢相宜,其他客戶皆大批訂貨。雖亟欲與貴公司達成交易,無奈未能接受貴公司的還價,實屬遺憾。若蒙修改還盤條款,還請賜知。現時該產品供應有限,尚請從速採取行動。 歡迎隨時詢價,以效微勞。

B6、對價格作出讓步 Thank you for your letter of 29 December 1995. We are disappointed to hear that our price for Flame cigarette lighters is too high for you to work on. You mention that Japanese goods are being offered to you at a price approximately 10% lower than that quoted by us . We accept what you say, but we are of the opinion that the quality of the other makes does not measure up to that of our products. Although we are keen to do business with you, we regret that we cannot accept your counter offer or even meet you half way.The best we can do is to reduce our previous quotation by 2%. We trust that this will meet with your approval. We look forward to hearing from you. 1995年12月29日來函收到,不勝感激。得知貴公司認為火焰牌打火機價格過高,無利可圖, 本公司極感遺憾。來函又提及日本同類貨品報價較其低近10%。本公司認同來函的說法,然而,其他廠商的產品品質絕對不能與本公司的相提並論。雖然亟望與貴公司交易,但該還價較本公司報價相差極大,故未能接受貴公司定單。特此調整報價,降價2%,祈盼貴公司滿意。 謹候佳音。

B7、加價前作出優惠 Due to the rise in the world price ofpaper, from 1 April of next year, prices for our products are due to increase by 10% across the board. Since you are a valued customer of long standing. we wish to give you the opportunity to beat the price increases by ordering now at the current prices.In addition, we are willing to give youa discount of 5% on all orders of more than GB£20,000. We are aware that you do not have sufficient warehousing for large quantities of reserve stock. In the circumstances. we would be prepared to hold paper for you to be delivered at your convenience. There will be no charge for warehousing at this end. We believe that you will see the advantages of this arrangement, which will save you at least 15% on paper purchases in the coming year. We look forward to your early reply. 鑒於全球的紙張價格上升,自明年4月11日起,本公司中的貨品價格將全面提升10%。本公司中萬分感激貴公司長期以來的支持,特此建議在價格調整前提早訂購貨品。凡訂購金額超過20,0000英鎊,更可獲得九五折優若未能騰出地方存放紙張,本公司中樂意免費提供存貨服務,直至貴公司有所安排。此次減價特別優惠顧客,提早訂購可減少來年購買 紙張至少15%的支出。 期待著你的複音。

B8、提出降價要求以便訂貨 We have been very pleased with your product, as you know. However, we find that we can obtain a price of $4.00 per hundred with a local firm. This is fifty cents per hundred lower than your price. If you can see your way clear to meeting these figures we would be pleased to place with you an order that will carry us for the rest of this year. That order is likely to be one of the largest that we have ever placed with you. 你知道,我們對你的產品一直都很滿意。但發現,在當地一家公司可以得到每百個價格為4.00美元的這種產品,比你們每一百個的價格少50美分。如果你們能設法找出原因並使價格也達到這樣的數字標準,我們就樂意向你們提出一項可以執行到本年底的訂貨。而且該項訂貨就可能是我們從來也沒有向你們提出過的最大訂貨之一。

B9、訂貨前說明要求降價原因 We are aware of the fact that your office uipment is among the best on the market. We realize that your materials are of the very highest quality and that you pay the highest wages in the field. Nerertheless , we would prefer handing lower quality goods if we could get a lower price. Our customers do not demand the standard of quality that you put into your equipment. If we are to continue doing business with you we must ask for a reduction in price in price in order that we may achieve a higher volume of sales. We shallwait for a price from you before we decide where to place out next order. 我們所知道的事實是,你們的辦公設備是市場上最上等的。所採用的技術資料是最高級的,同時在本地區中你們所付出的工資也是最高的。 然而,如果我們能夠在價格上得點便宜,則寧可經營品質標準。假若需要和我們繼續做買賣,就得要求你們價格減少7.5%,以使我們的銷售額有所提高。在決定下次向哪里去訂貨以前,我們等待著你們在價格方面的回音。

B10、再次要求削價 We regret that it is not possible to accept the reduced price you offer. It was very kind of you to suggest meeting us half way, but thiwill not be enough to compensate for our increased overhead and advertising. Unless you see your way clear to grant us an additional reduction in price, we may have to discontinue our very pleasant arrangement with you. 非常感到抱歉,我們不能接受你們減價以後的報價。你們關於滿足我們一半要求的建議很好。但這仍不足以彌補我們所增加的企業管理費和廣告費。除非你們能夠設法答應給我們進一步減價,否則,我們不得不中斷我們之間很愉快的協議。

B11、對議價信件的回復 Thank you for your letter of June 12.In view of the fact that we have done business with each other for so long and that you have bought from us such volume of office equipment, we would like to meet you half way in your request for lower pries. May we suggest an overall reduction of 4% in price, which will hold right down the line. Since our own overhead has increased somewhat in the last few months, this offer on our part is good only for a few months. At the end of that time you will have to go back to the previous price list. Our sales manager, Mr. Smith, will call on you with some display material which should help you to effect a higher volume of sales. 感謝你6月12日來信。考慮到我們相互交往的歷史如此長久,而且你們曾買過我們大量的辦公設備,因此我們將滿足一半你們所提出的減價要求。我們建議將每件工裝褲的價格降低4%好嗎?這樣就可正好保持在市場價格線以下。 因為我們自己的企業管理費在過去幾個月裏也有些增加,所以這個報價就我們來說只限於幾個月內有效。過了那段時間,你們就仍須按照原先的價格單付款。 為此我們的供銷經理史密斯先生將帶一些可以幫助你們增加銷售額的展覽材料去訪問你們。

B12、同意削價並附價格單 After discussing the matter with our Board of Directors, we have decided we can comply with your request for lower prices. Attached is a corrected price list for our merchandise. 經我們董事會研究,決定按照你們的減價要求辦。特隨函附上我們修改過的商品價格單

B13、不同意削價並進行解釋和說服 In reference to your letter of May 7,we cannot make a better offer than the one we suggested to you, We feel that offer itself ismost generous under the circumstances. In checking our books, we find that you have purchased from us twice as much the first three months of this year as you did in the first three months of last year. This indicates to us that you have been successful in retailing our merchandise. We hope that upon reconsideration you will be able to accept out offer. We have been have been very pleased to have you on our list of accounts. 關於你5月7日的來信,我們認為不能再報比那更低的價格了。處於當前情況下,它本身就說明是最慷慨的價格了。經查對我們的帳目,發現,你們今年的頭三月在我處所購的貨物是去年同期的兩倍。這就說明,你們零售我們的貨物方面是取得成就的。因此希望你們經過重新考慮後,能夠接受我們的該項報價。我們已很樂意地將你們的名字留在我們的帳目上了

B14、婉言拒絕降價要求 We are sorry to say it is not possible for us to meet the price you requested in your letter of November 9. If you care to place an order with us any time in the future, you may be assured of the same prompt attention which you have had in the past. 非常遺憾地通知你們;對你11月9日的來信中所提出的價格,我們實無法滿足你的要求。假如將來某個時候,你們還願意向我們訂貨的話,肯定你們仍將立即得到象過去一樣關照。

C1、寄送銷售合同 With reference to our recent exchange of faxes. we are pleased to confirm our having concluded with you the transaction for 600 bales of grade 1 crumb rubber.We enclose our sales contract no. 759 in duplicate. Please countersign and return the bottom copy to us for our files.We trust you will open the necessary letter of credit as soon as possible.Regarding additional quantities, we are studying the supply situation and will let you have an offer in about a week's time. 本公司在考慮了貴我雙方近來有關600包一級顆粒橡膠的交易傳真檔 後,現欲確認有關交易。 茲隨函附上第759號銷售合同一式兩份,敬請連署並寄回副本,以作存 檔之用。煩請早日開立有關信用證。 關於追加數量的事宜,本公司正研究供應狀況,可望于一周後報盤。 附件:第759號銷售合同一式兩份

C2、寄送銷售確認書 We have great pleasure in enclosing copies of faxes exchanged between us resulting in the conclusion of business for 400 Roadstar bicycles. We an close our sales confirmation no. 863 in duplicate. Please sign the bottom copy and return it to us for our files. We look forward to receiving your future enquiries and orders. ` 就貴雙方400輛羅得斯達自行車的交易,現隨函附上有關的傳真檔副本及第863號銷售確認書一式兩份。 煩請在署確認書副本,寄回本公司以便存檔。 望繼續合作。 附件:(一)傳真檔副本 (二)第863號銷售確認書一式兩份

C3確認購貨 As a result of our recent exchange of telexes, we wish to confirm our purchase from you of 500 long tons of Zipern brand white cement. The following terms and conditions will apply. Price: BG£300per long ton net shipping weight Packing: in paper bags of 112 pounds net each Quality: against the seller's own guarantee that the goods conform to the relevant British Standard Payment: by confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit in your favour, payable by draft at sight We are pleased that this first transaction with your company has come to a successful conclusion. We look forward to a continuing and mutually beneficial trade between our companies. 經貴我雙方電傳往來,現欲確認向貴公司訂購齊奔牌白水泥500英噸, 供貨條件如下; 價格:淨裝運重量每英號300英鎊 包裝:紙袋,每袋淨重112磅 品質:賣主保證貨品符合英國的標準 付款:開立不可撤銷的信用證,以貴公司為受益人 與貴公司首次交易合作成功,本公司深感欣慰。盼能保持長久而互利的合作關係。

C4、買賣成交 We are pleased to confirm the telexes exchanged between us as per the enclosed copies. From our telex of yesterday, you will see that we have obtained orders for 300 Star sewing machines. We therefore enclose our order no. SM534 together with our shipping instructions. We would be grateful if you would execute the order as speedily as possible. Any delay could lead to future problems with our clients. We are taking all necessary steps to open the letter of credit, which we hope will each you within 10days. 本公司現欲確認貴我雙方往來電傳內的事項。有關電傳之副本附寄本函。昨日電傳告知貴公司,已接獲300台星牌縫紉機的定單。隨函附上SMS534號定單及裝運說明。 如蒙從速落實該定單,將不勝感激。任何延誤皆會引致有關客戶不便。現已安排開立信用證,可望於十日內送達貴公司。 附件:(一)電傳副本 (二)SM534號定單 (三)裝運說明

C5、寄回連署文件 Thank you for your sales contract no. 453.for 100 metric tons of groundnuts ordered by us. I enclose the bottom copy with my countersignature. The relevant L/C has been established with Burke's Bank, Singapore, in your favour. It will reach you in due course. With regard to further quantities, we hope that you will be able to make us an offer. We are prepared to consider an order for a further50 metric tons. 多謝寄來第453號銷售合約,確認公司向貴公司訂購100公噸花生。隨函敬附已連署的合約副本。此外,本公司亦已在新加坡伯克銀行開立有關之信用狀,受益人為貴公司。該主用證將于不日送達。至於追加數量一事,期望貴公司能給予報價。本公司現正考慮追加數量50公噸花生。 此致 ` 附件:連署合約副本

C6、建議用信用證付款 We would like to place an order for 500 Irina 262 electric typewriters at your price of USS300 each, CIF Lagos, for shipment during November/December. We would like to pay for this order by a 30-day L/C. This is a big order involving USS150,000and ,since we have only moderate cash reserves, tying up funds for three or four months would cause problems for us. We much appreciate the support you have given us in the past and would be most grateful if you could extend this favour to us. If youare agreeable, please send us your contract. On receipt, we will establish the relevant L/C immediately. 本公司欲以貴公司報價條件,以每台300美元價格(拉哥斯到岸價)、訂購500台伊琳娜262型號電動打字機,於11月12日裝運。是項交易款額高達50,000美元,本公司只有適量現金儲備,佔用資金三四個月將造成麻煩,故建議以30日有效期的信用狀付款。承蒙貴公司一向照顧,若能繼續給予優惠,本公司感激不忘。如同意上述建議,煩請賜寄合約。本公司一俟收到該合約,即開立信用狀。

C7、答復用信用證付款的建議 Thank you for your order for 500 Irina 262 typewriters by your letter of 17 July. We have considered your proposal to pay by a 30-day letter of credit. We do not usually accept time credit. However, in view of our long and mutually beneficial relationship. we are willing to make an exception this time. I must stress that this departure from our usual practice relates to this transaction only. We cannot regard it as setting a precedent for future transactions. I enclose our sales contract no.834 covering the order. I would begrateful if you would follow the usual procedure. 7月17日來函收悉。承蒙貴公司訂購500台伊琳娜262型號打字機,不勝感謝。就建議以30日有效期的信用狀付款,本公司向無此例,但鑒於貴我雙方長期互惠關係,樂意接受該建議完成交易。此建議僅適用於是項交易,而不能作為今後交易的先例。隨函附上是次訂單的第834號銷售合同。煩請 按時往常規辦理為荷。 此致 ` 附件:第834號銷售合同

C8、要求分期付款 In the past. our purchases of steel pipes from you have normally been paid by confirmed. irrevocable letter of credit. This arrangement has cost us a great deal of money. From the moment we open the credit until our buyers pay us normally ties up funds for about four months. This is currently a particularly serious problem forus in v

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1. 根據美國鳥類評議會,全球有358種鸚鵡和分別80個屬。但品種的確切數字視乎不同組織,地區和時期。


2. 鸚鵡的喙強而有力,進化過程令它們可以開啟堅果殼,而小鸚鵡的嘴則是用來開啟種子及穀物的殼。


3. 暫時有23個已知滅絕的鸚鵡品種。

4. 已知最早描述鸚鵡的文獻可以追溯到3000多年前的印度文學《梨俱吠陀》。

5. 鴞鸚鵡(Kakapo)是唯一真正的夜行性鸚鵡。

6. 鴞鸚鵡(Kakapo),也被稱為貓頭鷹或夜鸚鵡,是唯一不會飛的鸚鵡物種,亦是體重最高的鸚鵡。

7. 羅馬人飼養環頸鸚鵡作為寵物非常普遍,將他們交給奴隸照顧,甚至教他們說人話。

8. 地處最北的鸚鵡是分佈於阿富汗東部的灰頭鸚鵡。

9. 大多數鸚鵡生活在熱帶和亞熱帶地區的熱帶雨林和熱帶草原。 許多還住在高山,沙漠,地中海,溫帶氣候,有一個品種甚至生活於接近南極圈 (分安蒂波德斯長尾小鸚鵡)。

9. 有考古學家在巴西發現有5000年歷史的金剛鸚鵡洞穴壁畫。

10. 只有和尚鸚鵡及一些品種的愛情鳥會用樹枝建立鳥巢。 所有其他的鸚鵡都會在樹洞或仙人掌洞建立巢穴。 巴塔哥尼亞鸚鵡則會在懸崖深處的洞穴建巢。

11. 紫藍金剛鸚鵡有時會吃經由牛隻消化果肉後的棕櫚果。

12. 一些南美洲品種的鸚鵡,例如錐尾鸚鵡,亞馬遜和金剛鸚鵡常會集體在粘土峭壁吃粘土。粘土礦物含量豐富,可為鸚鵡補充各種微量原素。

13. 已知最古老的鸚鵡可以追溯到白堊紀(7000萬年前)。 一個屬於鸚鵡的下顎化石在美國懷俄明州被發現。 但因為只有下顎化石而使得這發現有一些爭議。

14. 沒有任何已知的證據證明海盜擁有或喜歡鸚鵡。

15. 鸚鵡有時會反雛食物給它們的主人。這是一個鸚鵡自然的行為用於表達對主人的感情。

16. 大部份鸚鵡都是用一隻腳睡眠/休息。

17. 雖然與蝙蝠沒有關係,但是短尾鸚鵡亦都是懸掛狀態下睡覺。它們這種能力是在所有雀鳥中獨有。

18. 靛藍翼鸚鵡(Indigo-winged Parrot)被人認為經已滅絕了九十一年後於2002年被兩名哥倫比亞人拍攝了14張照片,並確認該物種仍然存活於哥倫比亞中部。

19. 探險家在16世紀初首次將金剛鸚鵡從美洲帶回歐洲。

20. 鸚鵡的舌頭非常敏感,內部有骨頭並能靈活操控物件,作用就像我們的手指頭一樣。

21. 鸚鵡是唯一的鳥類可以使用它的“腳”把食物拿起並放近口邊進食。

22. 虎皮鸚鵡是被視為最接近被人類馴化的鸚鵡品種。

23. 哥倫布曾經從美洲帶回鸚鵡送給他的金主 - 西班牙的伊莎貝拉女王。 雖然不能佰份佰確定是甚麼品種,但是最有機會是從古巴當地人交換得來的古巴亞馬遜鸚鵡(Cuban Amazon)。

24. 非洲灰鸚鵡曾經在古羅馬人之間非常流行。

25. 儘管它的體積細小,許多人認為虎皮鸚鵡是說話能力最好的鸚鵡。 一隻名為Puck的虎皮鸚鵡能說出超過1700單字,在1995年為健力氏世界紀錄至今。

26. 在第二次世界大戰期間,鸚鵡有時被用來示警提醒士兵敵軍飛機來襲。

27. 亞歷山大大帝在公元前300年從印度帶回鸚鵡,亞歷山大鸚鵡因此而命名。 及後其他因職銜或貴族命名的鸚鵡包括麗晶鸚鵡,巴伐利亞皇后鸚鵡,公主鸚鵡,國王鸚鵡,帝王亞馬遜鸚鵡和紅衣主教吸蜜鸚鵡。

28. 雖然所有鳥類羽毛都有色素,但只有鸚鵡擁有一種特會殊的黃色色素,會在紫外線照射下發光。

29. 棕臉侏儒鸚鵡(Buff-faced Pygmy-Parrot)是世界上最小的鸚鵡,體重只有11.5 g。

30. 在19世紀時,西方社會的婦女常常會戴用鸚鵡羽毛裝飾的帽子。

31. 鸚鵡可以看到紫外線,人類則不能。

32. 摩鹿加鳳頭鸚鵡(Moluccan Cockatoo)的咬力能夠達到500磅/平方吋。

33. 16世紀時,亨利八世曾經擁有非洲灰鸚鵡。

34. 美國第25任總統 - 威廉•麥金利曾經飼養雙黃頭亞馬遜。

35. 非洲和亞洲皇室和上流階級在公元前一千年已經飼養鸚鵡作為寵兒。 鸚鵡最早在公元前327年出現於歐洲。

36. 世界上最有名的鸚鵡是叫Alex的非洲灰鸚鵡。 艾琳•佩珀伯格博士(Dr. Irene Pepperberg)於1977年從一家寵物商店購買了Alex,希望反駁人們認為鸚鵡只是純粹模仿話音。 經過30多年的研究,她發現了鸚鵡驚人的認知能力,Alex可以單靠語音辨識超過100個不同的物體,動作和顏色。 它還可以識別某些物件的製造材料。 Alex在2007年去世後,艾琳•佩珀伯格將她與Alex的故事寫成自傳。

37. 前英國首相溫斯頓•丘吉爾曾經擁有一隻藍黃金剛鸚鵡,非洲灰鸚鵡和虎皮鸚鵡。

38. 厚嘴鸚鵡是唯一現存而曾經生活在美國境內的鸚鵡,它的棲息地從墨西哥起,北到美國亞利桑那州和新墨西哥州。 由於天敵和人類捕獵,這種鸚鵡目前只分佈於在墨西哥南部。 美國有組織正在作出努力,重新引入這物種野放回歸美國境內。

39. 有些人可能不相信,但愛情鳥並不總是白頭到老。 就像人類社會,離異亦時有發生。

40. 大多數人應為世界上最稀有的野生鸚鵡是曾經生活在巴西的斯皮克斯金剛鸚鵡(Spix's Macaw)。 最後一隻野外的斯皮克斯金剛鸚鵡於2000年消失。 現存大約有85隻人功飼養的斯皮克斯金剛鸚鵡生活在世界各地的保育中心,超過半數身處於卡塔爾的AWWP野生動物保護中心,當然也不能排除有私人收藏家隱藏一些個體。 亦有少部分人認為淺藍綠金剛鸚鵡(Glaucous Macaw)才是最稀有的鸚鵡。 於20世紀亦只錄得2個可信的野外發現紀錄。 由於持續的目擊傳聞和南美私人繁殖家隱藏活生個體傳聞,在國際自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄(IUCN)裡這一物種還仍被列為瀕危狀態,而不是被正式宣布經已“滅絕”。​

Copyright 2012 © Urban Parrot Loft.

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哈, 不知道大家有沒有注意到這四個字都有一個羊字?今天我們就是要談中國的羊。羊是中國料理中最被推崇的大菜材料之一,其實與中華文化和社會有著很深的淵源 呢!從文字更可見其端倪:「美」是一個大字與羊字的結合,換句話說特大隻的羊在中華傳統文化眼中就是特別的美;在古代善與膳都是相同的字,善是羊加上眾多 的手與口所組成的,簡單的說一隻羊料理好了,大家用手抓、用手撕,好吃到異口同聲叫好即是善(膳)。不過話說回來如果有人請我吃全羊,一窩人好不熱鬧地你 抓我扒,這氣氛不「善」那才怪!「養」這個字呢,當然要感謝老祖宗創字的功力,外形一看便一目了然,「養」字說的就是:我把羊養來吃(羊+食)or我有羊 吃。而「祥」字看起來就像一隻羊站在樹或屋子旁,大家想想,羊通常是放牧的,而羊最怕的是狼,若把羊栓在樹旁,周圍又有狼,這豈不是電影《侏儸紀公園》裡 引誘恐龍的餌──等著被滅?所以「祥」這個字表示附近沒狼,大家不用煩擾,繼續放心吃羊,四處充滿一片平和之氣。


那 羊到底怎樣才算好吃?羊的體型不如豬、牛般巨大,所以一口羊肉裡便具備了多種質地:皮的Q彈、皮間夾油的甜草香、延韌的肉膜雖無味卻溢著淡淡的皮革香。羊 肉也較其他肉類更能凸顯肉、筋之間的黏、嫩、滑及多層、多種的油脂。皮、筋、膜、肉、油、軟骨分布比例均勻,加上特有的淡淡野味,因此造就了特殊且迷人的 特質。好吃的羊應該順應並保留這些質地間的關係與比例,所以羊既然來自草原,便應以草原的方法原始地吃。而其中最出名卓著的便是新疆烤羊腿、烤羊肉串與蒙 古全羊。

記憶中第一次接觸最好吃的新疆羊是十餘年前的初冬,在上海。隨父親探親順道拜訪了上海的 好友,好友派了麵包車,神神秘秘左拐右拐到了某個天橋邊的停車場。停車場邊上有三個疊為兩樓高的貨櫃屋,電焊鋸開的門窗前放了三、四個剖半的汽油桶;桶裡 火紅的木炭、地上的碎石礫,街上持續傳來不斷的噪吵對罵聲及汽車喇叭聲、冷冽空氣中濃濃的煤炭煙氣與我努力的呼吸聲、呵出的水氣煙霧形成了一種鮮明的記 憶。而海報上交錯而揚的氣孔,隨著風忽隱忽現,露出破舊汙髒的鄰樓背景,立在偌大的路邊停車場裡好不突兀。邊牆一竹棚架起的建築海報上寫著:上海新疆風味 飯店-新疆烤羊。

一群回民小夥子迎來招呼著我們,拎著折疊椅叼著菸。我們便在小拼裝桌、柏 油桶交錯的路邊準備吃起來。一會兒,黑溜溜的新疆黑啤酒上了桌,是甜的,甜得像是德國黑麥汁一樣,但更稠、更有果香。好友請老闆掄了一隻烤羊小腿給我,唉 呦!那腿骨像棒槌,恰恰握住,暖心。老闆示意一咬口一劃手,我一口咬下才發現那金紅黃的羊皮是又薄又脆,且溢著麻油香的,齒與嫩肉之間的唇早已潤滿鮮嫩的 甜羊油香。在沾滿孜然粉與細鹽的冬天哩,一句話:過癮!時過境遷,經過了十餘載的黃浦江兩岸都已經變化甚遽,我一月再訪,當時的停車場早已改建兩次,舊名 片的地址已變成了光鮮亮麗的家具商場。停車場不再復見,但美味餘韻在喉,氛圍聲響歷歷在目,懷念依舊。陣陣的熱肉氳和(ㄏㄨㄛˋ)啤酒的麥香,我心中感慨 地想:這羊也真夠本了,從生羊逐水草而居,歿後和(ㄏㄨㄛˋ)甜麥而揚,也算是適得其所啦。



我 到京的這一周正是春節的前夕,許多人特地到京送禮。前一天司機就在北京市的關外交流道遇到了一個搭他的出租車進出北京九趟的客人。客人在交流道旁的大型冷 藏卡車裡裝滿了鮮嫩溫宰的蒙古羊,趕著要進京贈送貴客賀禮,但礙於關閘管控不允許外地車入京,因此攔出租車代步。客人與司機努力地硬在計程車後座塞滿了十 來頭的羊,前座的客人懷裡還抱著一隻。來來回回九次總算將滿卡車的蒙古羊,挨家挨戶搭著賀卡花了一整天完成了任務。

南 來北往地跑,北京吃到的蒙古羊居多(或許蒙古到北京比新疆要近一些),但說到烤羊肉串,我想除了新疆地區外中國第一首選絕對是北京海淀(ㄉㄧㄢˋ)區的新 疆飯店群。這裡其實是新疆自治區駐京的辦事處,處旁的小院子裡有許多間精緻且地道的新疆維族、清真小吃與料理。這兒的烤羊肉串、烤羊軟骨、羊腰更是又好吃 又便宜又大碗,一句話:啵棒!烤羊肉串料理的方式其實很簡單,鮮嫩的羊肉快速過過洋蔥水,紅透炭火慢慢轉烤,快熟前換到大紅炭上,用手捏搓搓鹽,撒散現磨 孜然粉、辣椒粉,烤至色澤即將焦黃、滴油泛光,便成了!焦嫩之餘肉與脂肪的比例幾乎是一比一,顆粒的鹽與碎磨的孜然覆在肉上,口口鮮甜香滑,香味越嚼越 放,美味之至!而羊腰微乾的外皮,飽滿嫩脆的口感也是一絕。羊最好的料理方式便是秉持自然的味道,新鮮吃。對了,到了辦事處,一定要嚐嚐鮮製的奶酪,不僅 僅香甜可口,更是去油的絕配。

草原羊的好,好在一年一穫,隨著草原的風冷冷地跑,曬著大大 的太陽,喝著乾淨的水慢慢吃著草;這樣特殊的環境讓羊可以長得大,而肉卻嫩軟不老。寒冷的天氣讓羊沒了騷味,清真回民的處理手法更讓羊的肉質能維持鮮甜與 清新。新疆刀郎羊前一陣子上了新聞,一頭賣千萬人民幣!說真的新疆羊與蒙古羊都好吃,但聽說古道銀川有一種羊,牠的價值說不定比靠新聞炒出來的刀郎羊更有 價值。傳言是這樣的,話說一天,新疆與寧夏的回民爭吵誰的羊比較好;新疆朋友驕傲地說:新疆羊吃的是天山雪蓮、喝的是天山泉水,價值堪比人蔘。寧夏人甩了 甩頭說:咱家寧夏的羊,老公吃了老婆受不了,老婆吃了老公受不了,夫妻都吃了床就受不了!我想問問,台北的烤羊在哪?

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5、6、7:kitty tsaix3
8:Ken Salvador Chu
11、12:Haiping Cheng
14:Arale Chang
15:Benjamin Ng


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