The Home Stretch (cont.)

Dowhill Fitness: Skiing Workouts

By Christina Gandolfo

Intro | The Workouts

skiing workouts
Glutes (Illustration by Mark Matcho)

Place your lower left leg on a waist-high
table, with the inside of your thigh facing up and your knee at a
90-degree angle. (Your heel should point to your waist, and your toes
should point forward.) Push your hips forward into the table and try to
press your knee into it while keeping your back straight. Hold for six
seconds, then relax for 15 seconds. Repeat twice with each leg. For a
more intense stretch, stand farther away from the platform.


skiing workouts
Hips and Quadriceps (Illustration by Mark Matcho)

Drop to your hands and knees, perpendicular to a wall. Slide both knees
back to where the wall meets the floor and point your toes up, so
they're flush against the wall. Slowly bring your right leg in front of
you, foot flat on the floor and knee bent at a 90-degree angle, so that
your right armpit is above your right knee. With both hands on your
right knee, move your torso upward, striving to bring it parallel with
the wall. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat twice on both sides.

skiing workouts
Hamstring and Calves (Illustration by Mark Matcho)

Face a wall, standing two to three feet away. Bend forward and place
your hands on the floor, with your fingertips touching the base of the
wall. With legs straight and head tucked in—you should look sort of
like an upside-down V—rest your upper back against the wall, keeping
your heels on the ground. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat twice. As
flexibility increases, try to place more of your back against the wall.
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