☑If you want something badly enough, you can get it
☑Be overly prepared
☑Great minds ask great questions
☑Believe in what you are doing
☑You are as good as your genes
☑Stop tring to do it all
☑Remain calm
☑A wise person Knows that she cannot know everything
☑Don't be afraid of tomorrow
☑Everyone is selling something
☑Time should be spent solving problems, not worring about them
☑When time is wasted, life is wasted
☑Never judge before you see
☑If you learn something for the third time, it would be wise to remember it
☑Laugh with but never laugh at
☑The truth is in you
☑Live a life well lived
☑It takes a wise person to recognize another wise person
☑Get up and go
☑Learn to make good choices
☑Your memories make you wealthy or poor
☑Buy a toy for yourself
☑Always toss a coin in a wishing well
☑Help yourself first, then ask others to help you
☑Some people just know more
☑Look for simple solutions first
☑The higher you go, the better the view
☑Open your eyes
- Sep 25 Mon 2006 20:39