

台灣首家店就開出紅盤,旗下擁有Dunkin'Donuts、Baskin Robbins及To-go's等三個品牌,在美國有品牌改造大師之稱的Dunkin'Brands全球總裁Jon L.Luther昨(28)日首度來台。


對於大中華區市場,Jon L.Luther指出,Dunkin'Brands研究大中華市場已經有二年時間,並針對大陸、澳門、香港及台灣等地區做了詳細的研究,同時,也設立了大中華地區總裁,由他負責評估各地區的展店計畫。


對於台灣市場的前景,Jon L.Luther充滿信心的指出,台灣經濟在穩定中持續慢慢成長,再加上擁有許多了解甜甜圈的消費人口,現在正是Dunkin'Donuts來台投資的好時機。



Dunkin'Donuts台灣地區代理商是三商行。兩年多前,統一超商引進了日本多拿滋(Mister Donut),大受歡迎並掀起一波的甜甜圈風潮。

當年,Mister Donut天母店、微風廣場店開幕不到4個月時,二家店就買出200萬個甜甜圈,也就是說平均下來,每個台北市民至少都吃了一個。

統一多拿滋現有17家店了,地點分布在大台北地區、高雄和新竹。Mis-ter Donut現在平常日已不見大排長籠的人潮,但只要碰上假日人潮依舊。面對全球最大的Dunkin'Donuts業績開紅盤,暫居台灣第一的統一多拿滋正積極研發更多飲料和新口味的商品。

【2007/01/29 經濟日報】

Dunkin' Donuts: Time to make the donuts in Taiwan

Dunkin%20Donuts%20Taipei%202.jpgEverybody has a China strategy these days. Apparently, even the neighborhood donut store plans a little expansion to China. As Bostonist points out, Dunkin' Donuts just opened its first-ever store in Taiwan:

"Soon, our Eastern friends will find themselves as addicted to donuts and coffee as we are if Dunkin' Donuts has its way. Yesterday, Dunkin' Donuts put out a press release to declare the company has opened a store in Taipei, Taiwan. Besides the obvious donuts, the Taipei menu includes "sweet potato, green apple and pineapple doughnuts, and mochi rings." The Wall Street Journal reported that Dunkin' Donuts won't shock the Taiwanese customers with coffee just yet: "Because tea is a dietary staple in China, Dunkin' Donuts plans to emphasize new tea drinks over coffee when it first opens, and then play up its coffee line over time."

What's cool is that Dunkin' Donuts conducted a bit of anthropological research ahead of the new store launch, and determined that it's best to offer donuts in flavors and assortments that include pineapple and sweet potato. (If you've ever wandered the streets of Chinatown in Manhattan or Flushing, you'll know that Chinese sweets look very much different from the traditional offerings at Dunkin' Donuts)

Meanwhile, Starbucks is also expanding to China, but is taking the exact opposite approach. Presumably, who needs anthropological research when there's one billion consumers dying to fork over $4 for cup of coffee? As the Wall Street Journal recently explained, Starbucks thinks it can educate Chinese customers to love the taste of coffee -- despite a thousand-old tradition of drinking tea in the nation. As a result, Starbucks is not taking any special steps to woo over the Chinese customer. On a unrelated note, there's recently been a big backlash against Starbucks in Beijing, with some claiming that the global coffee chain "tramples over Chinese culture."

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